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System statement review process. <br /> If your community disagrees with elements of this system statement, or has any questions <br /> about this system statement, we urge you to contact your sector representative, Jim <br /> Uttley, 651602-1361, to review and discuss potential issues or concerns. <br /> The Council and local units and districts have historically resolved questions about <br /> forecasts and other components of the system statement through discussions. <br /> Request for hearing. <br /> If a local governmental unit or school district and the Council are unable to resolve <br /> disagreements over the content of a system statement, the unit or district may by <br /> resolution request that a hearing be conducted by the Council's Land Use Advisory <br /> Committee or by the state Office of Administrative Hearings for the purpose of <br /> considering amendments to the system statement. According to Minnesota Statutes <br /> section 473.857, the request shall be made by the local unit or district within 60 days after <br /> receipt of the system statement. If no request for a hearing is received by the Council <br /> within 60 days, the statement becomes final. <br /> System statement issue date: <br /> The official date of the issuance of this system statement is September 12, 2005. <br /> 3 <br />