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PL PACKET 12202005
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PL PACKET 12202005
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PL PACKET 12202005
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Proposed Changes to Address Small Lots <br /> (R-1 shown, repeat similar changes to R-1A and R-2) <br /> (Changes indicated in BOLD text.) <br /> 1615.05 Dimensional Regulations. <br /> Subd. 2. Area and Width. No dwelling may be constructed or placed on (a) an interior lot of less than <br /> 9,000 square feet, or less than 75 feet in width at the building setback line, or(b) a corner of less than <br /> 11,000 square feet or less than 90 feet in width at the building setback line. Existing non-conforming <br /> lots of less than 9,000 square feet, or corner lots of less that 11,000 square feet, are governed by <br /> Section 1660. <br /> Subd. 3. Floor Area Ratio. The floor area ratio within the R-1 District may not exceed 0.3. <br /> Subd. 4. Minimum Floor Area. Each dwelling must contain the following minimum floor areas on the first <br /> floor: <br /> One story dwellings 1,000 sq. ft. <br /> One and oneāhalf story dwellings 900 sq. ft. <br /> Two story dwellings 750 sq. ft. <br /> In split level dwellings which have finished rooms on the lowest level in compliance with the State <br /> Building Code, the area of those rooms will be included in the first floor area minimums. <br /> Subd. 5. Front Yard. The front yard must have a depth equal to the greater of 30 feet or a distance <br /> equal to the average of the front yard depths of the two adjacent lots. <br /> Subd. 6. Side Yards. Dwellings must have two side yards the combined width of which is at least 15 <br /> feet, and each side yard must be at least 5 feet wide. A side yard adjacent to a street must be at least <br /> 30 feet wide, or a distance equal to the average of the depths of the side yard(s) of an adjacent <br /> lot(s) and fronting the same street. <br /> Subd. 7. Rear Yard. The rear yard must have a depth equal to the greater of 20% of the depth of the <br /> entire lot or 25 feet. <br /> Subd. 8. Lot Coverage. The lot coverage for residential structures on lots with an area 9,000 square feet <br /> and above may not exceed 35% . The lot coverage for residential structures on lots with an area less <br /> than 9,000 square feet, may not exceed 40%. <br /> (a) The lot coverage for nonconfoming single family detached dwellings permitted by Section <br /> 1660 with an area less than 7,000 square feet but equal or greater than 6,000 square feet may not <br /> exceed 45%, and lots with an area less than 6,000 square feet may not exceed 50%. <br /> Subd. 9. Building to Land Ratio. The building to land ratio for the following permitted and permitted <br /> conditional uses may not exceed 35%: <br /> (a) Public schools, and private schools or parochial schools which have an approved curriculum <br /> equivalent to a public school. <br /> (b) Publicly owned recreational facilities, including parks, play grounds, swimming pools and athletic <br /> fields. <br /> (c) Churches, temples or synagogues and their supporting homes, convents or rectories. <br /> (d) Essential service structures including but not limited to buildings such as telephone exchange <br /> substations, booster or pressure regular stations, wells and pumping stations, elevated tanks and <br /> electrical power substations. <br /> 1 of 2 <br />
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