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PL PACKET 06202006
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PL PACKET 06202006
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> May 16, 2006 <br /> Page 4 <br /> 1 Mr. Pratt also showed a rendering illustrating the roof lines and pillars. These types of designs <br /> 2 will fit in nicely with the area. This is new and a fresh design. He said as they have built <br /> 3 condominiums, they have heard from buyers that would like to have direct access to the home <br /> 4 from the garage and their own front yard area, which would be a common area. A townhome in <br /> 5 the past had separate garages and a walk up to the main floor, and many times up another flight <br /> 6 of stairs to the bedrooms. As our markets evolve and residents grow older,they are getting more <br /> 7 requests for one-level housing. <br /> 8 <br /> 9 He explained what the townhomes will look like inside. The front door will be on the pedestrian <br /> 10 level. He showed where the entrance is from the garage, which is through a mud room. In the <br /> 11 kitchen, there will be a direct access to patio space. The master suite will have direct access to <br /> 12 the master bath. A smaller home is 1171 square feet. There is a master bedroom with its own <br /> 13 bath area. It would have an outdoor court. <br /> 14 <br /> 15 Mr. Pratt further explained the "C"floor plan. The price range is project to be from 250,000 to <br /> 16 330,000 dependent on the desires of the buyer. They are designed to be a lateral move from what <br /> 17 people are in now, who want to move to maintenance-free living. <br /> 18 <br /> 19 Mr. Pratt pointed out the buildings have been placed on the plan with sufficient room for access <br /> 20 for cars. This is a townhome product that has evolved. <br /> 21 <br /> 22 Acting Chair Hanson asked if Don's carwash area will be Phase 3. Mr. Pratt stated the area they <br /> 23 visited was actually Ed's carwash. Don's carwash is owned by Pratt homes. They closed on <br /> 24 Don's carwash last year and recently closed on Firestone Tires and have owned the vacant lots <br /> 25 for about two years. All the plans for Phase I, II, and III are now developed. <br /> 26 <br /> 27 Commissioner Jensen asked how Mr. Pratt rates the setbacks. Mr. Pratt indicated he believes <br /> 28 they all conform to next Planning Commission meeting. Mr. Pratt reminded the Commission that <br /> 29 these are urban homes designed to be closer to the street. <br /> 30 <br /> 31 Acting Chair Hanson asked if the bedrooms close to 39h will be a problem with potential buyers <br /> 32 regarding the street noise and lights. Mr. Pratt said this is a choice, and the urban context in <br /> 33 being close and walking to shopping is a tradeoff. More people want to be close to the action. <br /> 34 <br /> 35 Mr. Pratt offered a final thought that there is enough setback for a front yard and a boulevard. <br /> 36 <br /> 37 Commissioner Galyon asked if the number of units is the same as originally planned. Mr. Pratt <br /> 38 answered it is. He noted they do meet all the PUD requirements. He added that the number of <br /> 39 units is the same, but they are all one-level and the square footage is different. <br /> 40 <br /> 41 Informational; no action required at this time. <br /> 42 <br /> 43 7.2 Building Fasteners—Variance Request for Parking Expansion <br /> 44 Ms. Moore-Sykes stated that Staff was contacted by Loren O'Brien, CEO for Building Fasteners, <br /> 45 about the process to apply for a parking variance. They are considering renovation plans for their <br />
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