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i <br /> Conditions Attached to Lot Split <br /> 1. Lot coverage Limitation/applicability of Zoning St. Anthony Business Center <br /> Corporation(SABC) and St. Anthony East, LLC (SAE)agree that the entire parcel <br /> legally described in paragraph 4 herein("Parcel") shall, for zoning purposes, be <br /> considered a single zoning lot, notwithstanding any new lot of record created by the <br /> administrative lot division. SABC and SAE agree the administrative lot division does not <br /> constitute a waiver of,nor does it supersede, any state statutes of local ordinances <br /> pertaining to zoning. SABC, SAE or any subsequent owner or lessee of any lot of record <br /> created by the administrative lot division shall, notwithstanding the preceding, have the <br /> right to construct, reconstruct or otherwise reconfigure new or existing improvements on <br /> the entire Parcel so long as such improvements taken together with the improvements <br /> existing on the entire Parcel will be in compliance with applicable provisions of the City <br /> of St. Anthony Legislative Code or so long as the necessary variances are obtained. <br /> 2. Building Code applicability. SABC and SAE agree that for purposes of Chapter 5 in <br /> the 1997 Uniform Building Code, the new property line created by the administrative lot <br /> division shall be ignored and the entire Parcel shall be treated as one (1) lot for purposes <br /> of applying the General Building Limitations. <br /> 3. Legal Effect. Each new parcel created by the administrative lot division is subject to <br /> this agreement which constitutes a restrictive covenant which shall run with the land and <br /> be binding upon SABC, SAE,their successors,heirs and assigns. <br /> 4. Legal Description of Parcel: <br />