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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> January 20, 2009 <br /> Page 2 <br /> 1 Motion by Commissioner Chaput, second by Commissioner Heinis, to table the administrative <br /> 2 lot split at 3055 Old US Highway 8 to the February 16, 2009 Planning Commission Meeting. <br /> 3 <br /> 4 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 5 <br /> 6 Mr. David Lutz, General Counsel for The Wirth Companies, stated The Wirth Companies is in a <br /> 7 window of opportunity with this request for an administrative lot split. Currently there is no <br /> 8 financing on this project. His client would like to proceed with the lot split so he can put <br /> 9 financing on the existing building and leave it open for future development. Mr. Lutz stated he <br /> 10 understands some issues have been raised. He and Assistant City Manager Moore-Sykes <br /> 11 discussed changing some of the ideas to address these issues, specifically moving the line on the <br /> 12 lot split so it is conforming in terms of setback issues. They also discussed conditioning the split <br /> 13 based upon putting an easement in place for parking and looking at making a full PUD <br /> 14 application at this time. He requested the Planning Commission's recommendation in terms of <br /> 15 what would need to be done to get the Commission recommendation for approval. <br /> 16 <br /> 17 Chair Stromgren noted the following concerns regarding the lot split raised by the City Attorney: <br /> 18 ■ A non-conforming condition being created by the lot split <br /> 19 ■ City imposition of zoning restrictions by contract relating to the applicant's desire to put <br /> 20 conditions on both lots for subsequent development to meet zoning requirements <br /> 21 <br /> 22 -Chair Stromgren stated it should be ensured that there is adequate parking for the existing <br /> 23 structure. He indicated he does not believe there are existing setback or lot size issues. Assistant <br /> 24 City Manager Moore-Sykes stated there were not violations found with the current lot. The <br /> 25 structure was built in the 1950's and any setbacks that might be deficient would be grandfathered <br /> 26 in. With the lot split and ultimate development of the lot those would have to be addressed. <br /> 27 <br /> 28 Mr. Lutz stated once the lot split takes place there would not be sufficient parking on the existing <br /> 29 parcel but for the easement that would allow parking on Parcel B. He asked whether the <br /> 30 easement would satisfy the Planning Commission in terms of meeting the parking requirements. <br /> 31 Chair Stromgren stated a reading would be needed on this by the City Attorney. He believes the <br /> 32 existing building would need to contain its own parking at least to some degree. He stated there <br /> 33 should be information submitted with the application regarding the size of the building,uses and <br /> 34 typical parking. <br /> 35 <br /> 36 Commissioner Chaput inquired about underground parking that was mentioned earlier. Mr. Lutz <br /> 37 replied underground parking would usually be cost prohibitive with something like this. His <br /> 38 client has discussed doing a townhouse or residential project. If the zoning were changed the <br /> 39 amount of parking would likely be substantially reduced. <br /> 40 <br /> 41 Chair Stromgren noted the issue of the current light industrial zoning being grandfathered in. He <br /> 42 inquired about whether the zoning should be brought in line with the lot split. Assistant City <br /> 43 Manager Moore-Sykes Kim stated with the appropriate buffering and screening an R-4 zoned <br /> 44 property could likely butt up against a light industrial zoned property. A review of the code <br /> 45 would be needed to determine the requirements. <br /> 46 <br /> i <br />