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r <br /> City of Spring Lake Park, <br /> Minnesota <br /> 1301 818t Avenue N.E,Spring Lake Park, MN 55432-2188 <br /> (763)784-6491 * Fax:(763)792-7257 <br /> Fence Information <br /> The purpose of regulating fences is to promote a LOCATIONS OF FENCES <br /> pleasant physical environment and to protect the Fences,when constructed to enclose any lot or tract <br /> public and private property within the City by <br /> regulating the location, height,type of construction, of land, shall be located in such away that the entire <br /> fence shall be on the property of the owner. Posts <br /> and maintenance of all fences. <br /> YOU MUST HAVE YOUR PROPERTY STAKES and framework shall be placed within the property <br /> LOCATED AND EXPOSED BEFORE A PERMIT lines of the owner and the actual finished fencing <br /> WILL BE ISSUED material, such as wire, lumber, pickets, etc., shall be <br /> placed on outside of the fence which faces the street <br /> The owner/contractor is responsible for locating the or adjacent property. <br /> property corner markers prior to applying for a fence <br /> permit. If the iron lot corner pins cannot be found,the No fences shall be allowed or constructed on street <br /> applicant is to contact a Land Surveyor to re- right-of-ways. Fences may, by permit, be placed on <br /> establish the lot comers before commencing with the public utility easements so long as the structures do <br /> fence building. A metal detector can be useful to find not interfere in any way with existing underground or <br /> the iron comer marker pins. Refer to your property over ground utilities. Further, the City of any utility <br /> survey for lot dimensions. When a building inspector company having authority to use such easements <br /> comes out to inspect your fence, they will need to shall not be liable for repair or replacement of such <br /> see your exposed property stakes. fences in the event they are moved, damaged or <br /> destroyed by virtue of the lawful use of said <br /> DEFINITIONS easement. <br /> Fence:A fence is defined as any partition, structure, CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE <br /> wall, or gate erected as a divider marker, barrier or <br /> enclosure and located along the boundary, or within Every fence shall be constructed in a workmanlike <br /> the required yard. For the purpose of this Section, a manner and of substantial material reasonably suited <br /> fence shall not include naturally growing shrubs, to the purpose for which the fence is to be used. <br /> trees or other foliage. Every fence shall be maintained in a condition of <br /> reasonable repair and shall not be allowed to <br /> PERMIT REQUIRED become and remain in a condition,which would <br /> No fence shall be erected or substantially altered constitute a public nuisance, or a dangerous <br /> without obtaining a zoning permit from the Building condition. If such a fence is allowed to become and <br /> Inspections Department. The fee for a fence permit remain in such condition, a Building Inspector is <br /> is$35.00. authorized to notify the owner or owners of such <br /> fences of the condition and allow owner or owners <br /> Jan 2007 <br /> CADocuments and Settings\BarryWy Documents\Handouts\Zoning\SLP Fence Info doc Page 1 of 4 <br />