<br /> Bob Kessler,Director
<br /> CITY OF SAINT PAUL 375 Jackson Street,Suite 120 Telephone 651-266-9007
<br /> Christopher B.Coleman,Mayor Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101-1806 Facsimile 651-166-9124
<br /> Web www stpaul goy/dst
<br /> Fence Requirements (Sec. 33.07)
<br /> a Permit. No person shall construct, or cause to be constructed, any fence in the City of Saint Paul without first
<br /> obtaining a permit from the building official.
<br /> 1 Fee. $37.00 for the first 200 lineal feet or fraction thereof erected and $13.00 for each additional 100 lineal
<br /> feet or fraction thereof.
<br /> (2)Site Plan. A site plan must be submitted showing the property lines, location, length, height and type of fence
<br /> (wood, chain link, etc.)being installed. A survey may be needed if applicant can not locate property markers.
<br /> (b)Height of fences. No-fence-shall�be•erectedsexceeding;six:(6)�feet,, ix @),inches,insheight;above the,sidewalk:or
<br /> finished=grade•of-0any1oWn a residencekdistricttorsomanytlot,occupied)fQriresidentiahpurposes:;The applicant shall
<br /> ensure that fences and all supporting structures shall be completely within the boundaries of such lot with no portion
<br /> encroaching onto adjacent property.All,fenceslerected between,the front,property:line%andthe front setback<line,as
<br /> defined,in.section.60.207..of the Saint Paul,Legislative Code,shall be no-more,thanJour_,(4)feet,in,height�One a corner
<br /> lot of two intersecting streets in a residential zoning district, no fence, wall or other structure shall be allowed above a
<br /> height of two(2)feet from the sidewalk grade in the triangular area of the lot included within ten(10)feet of the corner
<br /> along each lot line unless the structure is more than 80% open. Fences for nonresidential uses in residential zoning
<br /> districts shall not exceed eight(8)feet in height, except fences around tennis courts, which shall not exceed twelve
<br /> (12)feet in height, back stop fences,which shall not exceed twenty(20)feet in height, and golf range fences,which
<br /> shall not exceed thirty(30)feet in height. The selvage end of chain link or metal fences shall be smooth; knuckled
<br /> ends are permitted, twisted ends are not permitted.
<br /> (c)Variances. A variance of the fence height regulations may be granted if, after investigation by the building official, it
<br /> is found that site, or terrain, or nuisance animal conditions warrant a waiver of the height restrictions. An application
<br /> fee of seventy dollars($70.00)is required for each variance request.
<br /> (d)Swimming Pool fences. All yards of one-and two-family structures containing swimming pools shall be enclosed
<br /> by an obscuring fence not less than four(4)feet in height.All yards of residential structures of three(3)or more units
<br /> and commercial structures containing swimming pools shall be enclosed by an obscuring fence not less than five(5)
<br /> feet in height.The gates shall be of a self-closing and self-latching type,with the latch on the inside of the gate, not
<br /> readily available for children to open. Gates shall be capable of being securely locked when the pool is not in use.
<br /> Commercial and multi-family residential swimming pools require approval from the MN Dept. of Health (651)201-4500
<br /> or Steve Klemm(651)201-4503.
<br /> (e)Barbed wire fences. No barbed wire fence shall be constructed within the city limits of the City of Saint Paul,
<br /> except for police and correction facilities, unless the following conditions are complied with:
<br /> (1)No fence which uses barbed wire may be built in, or abut, a residentially zoned district or built on or abut a lot
<br /> occupied residentially.
<br /> (2) Barbed wire, not exceeding three(3)strands, may be permitted on the top of a fence; providing,that the arms
<br /> do not project over public property.The minimum height to the bottom strand of the barbed wire shall not be less
<br /> than six(6)feet from finished grade.
<br /> (3) In all cases where a barbed wire fence is requested, an application shall be made to the building official.
<br /> (4)A certificate of insurance indemnifying the City of Saint Paul shall be submitted with the application subject to
<br /> the approval of the city attorney as to form and in an amount as set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Section 466.04.
<br /> (f) Electric fences. No above ground electric fence shall be constructed within the city limits of the City of Saint Paul.
<br /> (g)Fences in Historic Districts. If a fence is proposed for a designated Historic Site or within a Historic District,
<br /> there will be a review by the Heritage Preservation Commission(HPC)staff within the Department of Safety and
<br /> Inspection(DSI)to ensure that the fence meets the Guidelines of the District. A site plan will be required(typical of all
<br /> fences)and also an elevation drawing which will illustrate all the details of the fence, including height, general
<br /> (See reverse for Inspection Procedure)
<br />