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Y FENCES <br /> QU 14 Pu'If WUP <br /> The purpose of City Code Chapter 350:475 is to promote a pleasant physical environment <br /> and to protect the public and private property within the City by regulating the location, height, <br /> type of construction, and maintenance of all fences. <br /> YOU MUST HAVE YOUR PROPERTY STAKES LOCATED AND <br /> EXPOSED BEFORE A PERMIT WILL BE ISSUED <br /> PERMITS REQUIREMENTS <br /> A permit is required anytime a new fence is constructed, or an existing fence is altered or <br /> moved. <br /> DEFINITION OF FENCE <br /> A fence is defined for the purpose of this Ordinance, as any partition, structure, wall or gate <br /> erected as a dividing marker, barrier, or enclosure and located along the boundary or within <br /> the required yard. <br /> REQUIRED INFORMATION WHEN APPLYING FOR A PERMIT <br /> ❑ 1. A completed fence permit application and checklist. <br /> ❑ 2. Two copies of a Certificate of Survey of the property or an accurate, scaled drawing <br /> of the property indicating the following: <br /> - North arrow <br /> - Lot dimensions <br /> - Location of survey irons <br /> - Location of proposed and any existing fences <br /> - Fence height and type of material used to construct the fence <br /> - For lakeshore lots, a surveyor must locate the Ordinary High Water elevation <br /> ❑ 3. Locating the corner iron monuments is the responsibility of the property owner. The <br /> corner iron monument can be found by using a certified survey and a metal detector, <br /> or by contacting a registered land surveyor to re-establish the lot corners. <br /> LOCATION OF FENCES <br /> The fence, including post holes and footings, shall be located in such a way that the entire <br /> fence is completely within the property line. <br />