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PL PACKET 09152009
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PL PACKET 09152009
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> October 21, 2003 <br /> Page 3 <br /> 1 Chair Melsha acknowledged Ms. Sullivan's concerns and explained that it was an oversight that <br /> 2 they did not receive the appropriate notification. He reviewed the PUD with the residents <br /> 3 present and clarified that the PUD could be changed or amended depending on the input received <br /> 4 from the hearing. <br /> 5 <br /> 6 Ms. Sullivan asked if an environmental impact study had been done prior to the project being <br /> 7 approved. She expressed concerns regarding the environmental impact with respect to <br /> 8 stormwater runoff and groundwater. She noted that for every five acres a holding pond should <br /> 9 be incorporated and asked if this would be done for the Autumn Woods lI project. She strongly <br /> 10 encouraged the Commission to consider all issues with respect to the environmental impact of <br /> 11 the area. <br /> 12 <br /> 13 Ms. Hall stated that the Engineer has reviewed the site and is not concerned about the issues Ms. <br /> 14 Sullivan raised. She further explained the scope of the project noting that an EAW is not <br /> 15 necessary for a project of this size. <br /> 16 <br /> 17 Mr. Brock noted that Phase I had an analysis done of the area that included drilling samples. He <br /> 18 stated that no issues were found at that time. <br /> 19 <br /> 20 Mark Gibbs, 2617 Lowry, asked if they would be installing some type of barrier between the <br /> 21 houses and the project area. He asked if they would be installing a fence. He expressed <br /> concerns stating that they do not want any unnecessary traffic into their yards. He noted that last <br /> 2.3 year he was approached by the developer with an offer to purchase his property and asked if they <br /> 24 would be coming back with any further offers. He stated that it was his understanding that the <br /> 25 City had pulled back the funding to purchase their property. He explained that he had signed a <br /> 26 purchase agreement for another home thinking he had sold his property and asked if the <br /> 27 developer still intended to purchase their property. <br /> 28 <br /> 29 Mr. Brock addressed Mr. Gibbs concerns regarding the barrier. He referenced the landscaping <br /> 30 plans stating that the plans include a heavily treed and bermed area between the houses and the <br /> 31 development. He added that the plans do not include fencing. He addressed Mr. Gibbs <br /> 32 questions regarding the purchase of his property stating that acquisition of his property was <br /> 33 dependent upon the ability for the development to purchase all five properties along Lowry <br /> 34 Avenue NE and not portions of the area. He explained that had they been able to acquire all of <br /> 35 the properties it would have allowed further development of the area noting that not all <br /> 36 homeowners wanted to sell their property. He stated that in reviewing costs to purchase the <br /> 37 properties that were available they found that it would have cost too much. He stated that this <br /> 38 was the reason for their withdrawal of the offer,not because the City pulled back dollars. <br /> 39 <br /> 40 Glen Gavic, 2605 Lowry Avenue,referenced the fencing stating that he agrees with Mr. Gibbs <br /> 41 that they should install a fence between their properties and the development. He also noted that <br /> 42 money had been offered for their property that was up to three times the market value and <br /> 43 expressed his frustration and disappointment noting that they never heard another word from the <br /> 4' developer. He asked the Commission who was in charge of this process. <br />
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