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.. <br /> Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> October 21, 2003 <br /> Page 5 <br /> 1 Chair Melsha agreed noting that the resident's comments have been duly noted. He stated that <br /> 2 he is comfortable with the plan as presented. <br /> 3 <br /> 4 Mr. Gibbs disagreed with the proposed landscaping stating that he would prefer fencing. He <br /> 5 expressed concerns regarding safety of the neighborhood adding that he was also concerned _ <br /> 6 about additional pedestrian traffic. Mr. Gavic agreed adding that he is concerned about the <br /> 7 additional pedestrian traffic through their yards. <br /> 8 <br /> 9 Commissioner Stromgren asked Mr. Gavic and Mr. Gibbs where the traffic would come from. <br /> 10 Mr. Gavic stated that they are concerned about additional pedestrian traffic coming from the <br /> 11 streets and surrounding area. <br /> 12 <br /> 13 Chair Melsha noted the Residents request for fencing adding that he felt that the landscaping was <br /> 14 the better choice for the area. He noted the line of vision stating that the taller trees would <br /> 15 provide a level of privacy. The Residents acknowledged the line of vision adding that there is <br /> 16 also an added concern with respect to a possible increase in pedestrian traffic through their <br /> 17 yards. The Residents expressed concerns regarding the safety in the area in addition to privacy <br /> 18 issues. <br /> 19 <br /> 20 Chair Tillman noted that the landscaping plan calls for deciduous trees, which would eventually <br /> 21 be very large trees, as tall as a building. She asked if they were asking for a fence only or a <br /> fence with the landscaping. She expressed concerns that there would not be enough room for <br /> 2-) both. The Residents asked if it would be possible to have both. Chair Melsha suggested having <br /> 24 the developer review the plans to determine what could be included as a barrier and leave the <br /> 25 final decision to the developer's discretion. He stated that he is comfortable with the proposal as <br /> 26 it is. <br /> 27 Vice Chair Stille stated that in the long run, landscaping would be more appealing. He noted <br /> 28 that the consensus of the residents is that they would prefer fencing. <br /> 29 <br /> 30 Ms. Sullivan asked who would be responsible for maintaining the fencing and the landscaping. <br /> 31 Chair Melsha stated that it would be the responsibility of the developer. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Motion by Chair Melsha, second by Vice Chair Stille, to recommend approval of the PUD as <br /> 34 presented, as amended with the additional 38 parking stalls, conditional on the approval and <br /> 35 reviewal of plans by the City Attorney, Condition of the Replat and with the condition that the <br /> 36 landscape plan, as proposed, can be amended at the discretion of the applicant in lieu of the <br /> 37 south end of the property to provide a fence. <br /> 38 <br /> 39 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 40 IX. INFORMATION AND DISCUSSION. <br /> 41 <br /> 42 9.1 St. Anthony Shopping Center, LLC. 2900 Pentagon Drive. Continuation of Public <br /> 43 Hearing to Amend Comprehensive Sign Plan. <br /> d' <br /> Susan Hall stated as requested at the September 160'Planning Commission meeting, the St. <br /> 46 Anthony Shopping Center has presented sign criteria to address logo signage for their <br />