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Note on Properties Included in Development C <br /> Not all of the properties included in the General Concept Plan <br /> will necessarily be included in the final redevelopment, as <br /> depicted. The General Concept Plan shows redevelopment ,. <br /> occurring on sites adjacent to the Apache Mall property it- C <br /> self. In order to maximize the potential for redevelopment on y <br /> the mall site, certain additional properties may ultimately be ~, <br /> included in the project. <br /> The General Concept Plan shows all uses along the west ' <br /> side of Silver Lake Rd. from the railroad tracks north to Silver - <br /> Lane being redeveloped. It also shows those uses located J <br /> on the east side of Stinson Blvd from 37'h Ave NE to 39'h Ave <br /> NE and along both sides of 39'h east of Stinson, which in fact <br /> may not be immediately developed. Uses that would not beAr <br /> s. <br /> redeveloped include the Apache office building at the corner <br /> of Stinson Blvd and Silver Lane, the Equinox apartment com- <br /> plex and the Cub food store. = . <br /> P <br /> :r <br /> Access to the existing Equinox apartment complex may ulti- <br /> mately tie into the street grid pattern, and attempts will be <br /> made to connect and integrate these apartments with the <br /> Redevelopment C1 <br /> rest of the development, although the existing garage struc- <br /> tures effectively fence them in, providing a stark edge rather <br /> than an inviting opening. The garages may be able to be r <br /> screened or softened with extensive landscaping or other <br /> elements of the streetscape. ion <br /> All other businesses and buildings that will not be redevel- <br /> oped will be integrated into the overall development plan <br /> through the use of landscaping, lighting, coordinated access - <br /> points, signage, and other means. <br /> 14 Village at St. Anthony Framework Manual <br />