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• 1 <br /> What are the undue hardship factors? <br /> The first factor is that the property cannot be put to a reasonable use without the variance. <br /> Caution! In June 2010, the Minnesota Supreme Court issued a decision that changed the <br /> longstanding interpretation of the first factor. The Court held that the reasonable use factor is not <br /> whether-the proposed use is reasonable, but rather whether there is reasonable use in the absence <br /> of the variance. This is a much stricter test, which considerably limits variance opportunities. A <br /> city will need to work closely with the city attorney to determine if a variance application can <br /> satisfy the first factor. <br /> The second factor is that the landowner's problem is due to circumstances unique to the property <br /> not caused by the landowner. The uniqueness generally relates to the physical characteristics of <br /> the particular piece of property,that is,to the land, and not personal characteristics or preferences <br /> of the landowner. When considering the variance for a building to encroach or intrude into a <br /> setback, the focus of this factor is whether there is anything physically unique about the particular <br /> piece of property, such as sloping topography or other natural features like wetlands or trees. <br /> The third factor is that the variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. <br /> Under this factor consider whether the resulting structure will be out of scale, out of place, or <br /> otherwise inconsistent.with the surrounding area. For example, when thinking about the variance <br /> for an encroachment into a setback,the focus is how the particular building will look closer to a lot <br /> line and if that fits in with the character of the area. <br /> What about economic considerations? <br /> Sometimes landowners insist that they deserve a variance because they have already incurred <br /> substantial costs or argue they will not receive expected revenue without the variance. State 1 <br /> statute specifically notes that economic considerations alone cannot create an undue hardship. <br /> Rather, an undue hardship exists only when the three statutory factors are met. <br /> Can a city grant a use variance? <br /> Sometimes a landowner will seek a variance to allow a particular use of their property that would <br /> otherwise not be permissible under the zoning ordinance. Such variances are often termed "use <br /> variances"as opposed to"area variances"from dimensional standards.: Use variances are not <br /> generally allowed in Minnesota—state law prohibits a city from permitting by variance any use <br /> that is not permitted under the ordinance for the zoning district where the property is located.For <br /> more information, see Minn. Stat. 4 462.357. <br /> Is a public hearing required? <br /> Minnesota statute does not clearly require a public hearing before a variance is granted or denied, <br /> but many practitioners and attorneys agree that the best practice is to hold public hearings on all <br /> variance requests. A public hearing allows the-city to establish a record and elicit facts to help <br /> determine if the application meets the undue hardship factors. <br /> What is the role of neighborhood opinion? <br /> Neighborhood opinion alone is not a valid basis for granting or denying a variance request. While <br /> city officials may feel their decision should reflect the overall will of the residents,the task in <br /> considering a variance request is limited to evaluating how the variance application meets the <br /> 2 <br /> Administrative Track-2011 <br /> Variances:Very Variable?Verifying Variance Variety in the Vernacular-64 <br />