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r <br /> Comprehensive Sign Plan <br /> St. Anthony Shopping Center <br /> St.Anthony, MN <br /> August 2, 2011 <br /> St Anthony Shopping Center LLC("Owner") proposes to conform to the City of St.Anthony's Sign <br /> Ordinance("Ordinance') as amended within this document. Please let this document be considered St. <br /> Anthony Shopping Center's Comprehensive Sign Plan <br /> Tenant Signage <br /> The Comprehensive Sign Plan will provide for the following: <br /> 1. Allow signage on storefronts up to 60'in length to have 3 square feet per lineal foot of tenant <br /> frontage, however,the total signage area shall not exceed 15%of the total wall area frontage. <br /> 2. Allow signage on storefronts which exceed 60'in length to have 3 square feet per lineal foot of <br /> tenant frontage up to a maximum of 300 square feet, however,the total signage area shall not <br /> exceed 15%of the total wall area frontage. <br /> 3. Multiple rows of signage text shall be permitted and shall be calculated independently from the <br /> row above or below, but total lineal footage shall not exceed a factor of 3;i.e.:the square foot <br /> area of row 1 plus row 2 plus subsequent rows(if desired)shall not exceed 3 times that total <br /> tenant frontage or exceed 15%of the total wall area frontage. <br /> 4. Signage logos shall be included when calculating maximum signage area. <br /> 5. All new tenant wall signage will be single wall mounted aluminum channel letters with plastic <br /> inserts facing the public street. All new tenant signage will be backlit on painted raceways. <br /> Raceway color will match the color of the building background of which the raceway is <br /> mounted. The aluminum raceway profile,channel profile, letter size,font, color,etc.,will <br /> require property owner approval prior to submission to the City. <br /> 6. All existing tenant signs regardless of size,font,color,raceway,etc.,shall be grandfathered as <br /> acceptable should the existing signage be removed and reinstalled for any reason. <br /> 7. Color of channels,color of channel letter inserts and letter font shall be determined by tenant <br /> with selection open to all colors and fonts available by signage fabricators. <br /> 8. Maximum channel letter size will be 48"and minimum channel letter size will be 24". <br /> 9. Owner shall have the option to operate lit signs(including existing pylon or future ground <br /> signs)such that there is no hourly operation restriction and be able to operate on a 2417 basis <br /> if desired. <br /> 10. Allow additional wall signs to each of the tenants,but,wall signage area allowed will be <br /> maintained at a maximum of 1.25 square feet per lineal foot of wall width yet not exceed 15% <br /> of the total wall area. <br /> Ground Signage(Site Signage) <br /> 1. At the time of this Comprehensive Sign Plan execution,the Owner is not planning for new <br /> ground signs and chooses to keep the existing pylon/monument sign intact and make non- <br /> structural improvements to the sign. If the Owner would like to install Grounds Signs in the <br /> future it will coordinate with City staff.As part of the Comprehensive Sign Plan,the owner shall <br /> not be obligated to remove and/or replace the existing site signage or,if the owner determines <br /> existing site signage be removed,that it not be obligated to install new site signage. Given <br /> this property has two main vehicular entrances,the owner shall have the option to provide a <br /> future ground sign at the Kenzie Terrace entrance in addition to the Service Drive entrance. <br />