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PL PACKET 06272016
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PL PACKET 06272016
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Page 2 <br /> <br />visible presence in the community and to mirror the advertising techniques being used at Wilshire <br />Park and the high school. At that time, the city’s code prohibited electronic signs. The applicant’s <br />request for a text amendment was denied. <br />In December 2014, the City amended its sign code (§155) to allow for non-commercial “dynamic <br />display” signs in the R-1 Single Family district through the issuance of a conditional use permit. The <br />ordinance stipulates that the conditions with respect to the issuance of any Conditional Use Permit <br />for a Dynamic Display Sign shall cover at least the following: <br />(1) Aesthetics of the sign, including, but not limited to message color, construction materials, <br />and landscaping; <br />(2) Location of the sign with regard to the surrounding area; and <br />(3) Position/layout of the sign with regard to the surrounding area. <br />Additional specifications for dynamic display signs regarding placement, size of display and copy, <br />illumination, and message transitions are stipulated in §155.29 (DYNAMIC DISPLAYS). In light of the <br />amendments to the City sign ordinance, the applicant is again submitting a request to construct an <br />electronic display sign on the premises. <br />Design <br />The applicant has submitted design specifications from the sign manufacturer that indicate the sign <br />will be a monument sign design with a brick and block pedestal structure surrounding the electronic <br />portion. The total allowable square footage of sign area for a ground sign in this zoning district for <br />more than one business is 80 square feet. The maximum allowable square footage for dynamic <br />display is 28 square feet (35% of total allowable square footage). <br />The upper cabinet will contain a 10 square foot double-sided LED illuminated upper cabinet, which is <br />non-dynamic. The dynamic display component of the sign will have a 2’-9” x 7’-10” double-sided <br />Monochrome electronic display. The total square footage of the dynamic display area is 21.5 square <br />feet, which is under the maximum allowable. <br />The height of the proposed sign is 6.5 feet, which meets the requirements of a maximum of 8 feet. <br />The pedestal and base structure of the proposed sign is designed to match the materials of the <br />primary building. The base design includes landscaping components to enhance the appearance, <br />which is a required component of ground signs. There are no design elements that indicate an <br />external source of illumination on the sign. <br />Position and Layout <br />The required setback for a ground sign is 15 feet from the curb line of any public street, and must be <br />located entirely out of the right-of-way. The proposed sign will be constructed in front of the school <br />portion of the property, and appears to meet all applicable setbacks. A site plan has been requested. <br />A non-electronic ground sign already exists on the premises in front of the other building on the <br />property, the church, facing Stinson Boulevard near the intersection with St. Anthony Parkway. <br /> <br />Additional Sign Requirements <br />The applicant has not provided any details regarding the dynamic characteristics of the sign. <br />Elements to consider include the size of the sign text and display area, hours of sign illumination and <br />operation, brightness, the frequency of message transitions, and the prohibition of audio or video <br />functions. Size of copy (lettering) is required to be a minimum of 7 inches in height. The duration of <br />images and messages must be a minimum of 8 seconds. The transition between sequences must be <br />instantaneous and no video display is allowed. The messaging must be monochromatic. Brightness is <br />6
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