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City Council Work Session
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City Council
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Work Session
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Council Agenda/Packets
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15 <br />STAFF REPORT <br />To: Mayor and City Council <br />Mike Morrison, City Manager <br />From: Kim Moore- Sykes, Assistant City Manager <br />Date: May 31, 2007 <br />Subject: Bid for Codification of City Ordinances <br />Background: One of the goals that came as a result of the City's 2007 Goal Setting Retreat was for staff to <br />research the need to re- codify the City's Code of Ordinances and to solicit bids. Staff contacted Duke <br />Addicks, special counsel for the League of Minnesota Cities, Member Services and asked him to submit a <br />proposal for re- codification. <br />Staff presented the attached proposal for the re- codification process from Mr. Addicks. Staff reported that <br />the estimated cost for the proposed codification is $11,995 plus any costs incurred as a result of the re- <br />codification of the City's code. The scope of the work proposed to be done under this estimated cost <br />includes: <br />• Review of the City's current code of ordinances and all ordinances and resolutions passed <br />since the last codification, which city records indicate was done in 1993. <br />• Organize all information based on rides, chapters, sections and according to subject matter. <br />• Update the code to reflect current statutory and case law requirements, deleting improper or <br />unlawful provisions. <br />• Simplify language where appropriate and convert to gender- neutral language where <br />necessary. <br />• Prepare a table of contents with sectional analysis and an index. <br />• Submit a draft of the updated code within six months of execution of contract and provision <br />of documents. <br />• 20 printed copies within three months of City's authorization. <br />In addition to the above -cited portions of performance and scope of work, Staff reported that the bid also <br />provides for other services that are deemed Optional Services, and which would be subject to additional <br />costs. The bid expires June 30, 2007 if the City chooses not to execute the agreement. <br />Recommendation: Staff has determined that there are a few chapters of the City Code that do need review <br />and possibly revision. These chapters include Chapter 5 Licenses, Permits. and Business Regulations; <br />Chapter 6 Fees. Rates and Charges; Chapter 14 Signs; and Chapter 16 Zoning and Land Use. Staff is <br />currently reviewing other chapters of the Code for possible revision. If it is determined that these are the <br />only chapters in need of revision, it then becomes a question of whether or not the City's Code is really in <br />need of such a thorough review and if these revisions could be done in -house with final review being done by <br />the City attorney for the same amount of money or less. <br />Z: \Goal Setting \2007\053107 LMC recodification proposal staff report Ace <br />
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