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City Council Work Session
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Last modified
7/14/2016 3:48:21 PM
Creation date
7/14/2016 3:48:21 PM
City Council
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Work Session
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Council Agenda/Packets
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CODIFICATION SERVICES AGREEMENT <br />January 24, 2007 <br />The City of St. Anthony, Minnesota ( "City") and the League of Minnesota Cities and its codification <br />consultant, American Legal Publishing Corporation, (jointly known as "Codifier "), agree as follows: <br />I. THE CODIFIER SHALL: <br />(1) Examine the City's prior code of ordinances (if any), and all ordinances or resolutions provided <br />by the City which have been passed since the last codification, and determine which materials <br />are to be codified. <br />(2) Classify all materials into titles, chapters, and sections, according to subject matter. <br />(3) Update all provisions to reflect current statutory and case law requirements. <br />(4) Simplify language where appropriate to effect uniformity of style and to convert to gender <br />neutral language wherever possible. <br />(5) Suggest new provisions which the City should consider including in the new code, and delete old <br />provisions which are no longer necessary or which might be improper or unlawful. <br />(6) Organize the code in an easy to use manual which utilizes a numbering system that allows for the <br />easy insertion of future ordinances. <br />(7) (a) Prepare title, chapter, and section headings. <br />(b) Prepare a legislative history for each section, citing the ordinance number and date of <br />passage, as indicated on copies of ordinances supplied to the Codifier. <br />(c) Prepare a table of contents and sectional analysis for each chapter. <br />(d) Prepare an index (which will be created after the first draft of the Code is submitted). <br />(8) Within six months of the execution of this contract and return of the code questionnaire, prior <br />code and new ordinances by the City, submit to the city a draft of the code with a legal report <br />prepared by American Legal with the assistance of the League's Attorney. <br />(9) When the City either returns to American Legal its answers to the legal report with any <br />additional comments about the draft, or completes the legal conference, it shall be deemed <br />authorization by the City to the Codifier to finish editing and publish the code in final form. <br />Any further changes, additions, or deletions shall be made in the future supplements to the code <br />in accordance with paragraph III (3) of this Agreement. <br />(10) Within three months of receipt of authorization as indicated in paragraph (9), the Codifier will <br />deliver 20 printed copies of the code meeting the following specifications: <br />(a) Type to be single or dual column, at the option of the City. <br />(b) Page size to be 8'/2" x I V. <br />(c) All copies to be in hard leather -like covered, 3 -ring, loose leaf binders. All binders shall <br />have the City's name stamped in gold and shall contain divider tabs. <br />Page I of 5 <br />19 <br />
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