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<br />Kim Moore -Sykes
<br />From: Mike]
<br />Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2005 9:16 AM
<br />To: kmoore @ci.saint-
<br />Subject: encroachments
<br />How's this ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??
<br />Subd. 17. Permitted Encroachments - Yards. For the purpose of this Chapter, the following shall
<br />be considered as permitted e- moachments within the yards indicated:
<br />A. In any yard: Overhanging roof eaves, open terraces, marquees, flues, sills, lintels,
<br />pilasters, cornices, gutters, open canopies, and awnings attached to the principal building, not to exceed
<br />twenty -five percent (25 %) of the depth of the front or rear yards or twenty -five percent (25 %) of the
<br />width of the side yards. Chimneys, flag poles, ornamental features, sidewalks, fences, landscaping,
<br />posts, or other similar amenities are permitted encroachments that are not restricted by area, placement,
<br />and land use intensity.
<br />B. Yard lights and name plate signs in residential districts, provided such lights and
<br />signs are three (3) feet or more from all lot lines. Lights for illuminated parking and loading areas or
<br />yards for safety and security purposes may be provided where necessary, provided that the glare is not
<br />visible from public rights -of -way or adjacent residential property.
<br />C. In front yards, balconies may extend a distance of four (4) feet or less, provided
<br />they are seven (7) feet or more above the grade at the building line. Patios or decks may extend a
<br />distance of eight (8) feet or less. Enclosed entryway not to exceed 64 square feet.
<br />D. In rear yards, balconies, breezeways, detached picnic shelters, swimming pools,
<br />recreational equipment, landscaping, driveways, steps, stoops, uncovered porches, patios, picnic tables,
<br />open arbors, trellises, laundry drying equipment, detached outdoor living room and outdoor eating
<br />facilities, provided they are not less than five (5) feet from any lot line.
<br />E. Encroachments in any yard that abut a public or private street, shall be considered
<br />as permitted encroachments, as outlined above, except that no encroachment shall be permitted within
<br />present or proposed street right -of -way lines.
<br />F. On comer lots, in any district, encroachments are not permitted in excess of thirty
<br />(3 0) inches above the curb line in a triangular area defined as follows: "Beginning at the intersection of
<br />the projected curb line of two intersecting streets, thence thirty (3Q) feet from the point of beginning on
<br />the other curb line, thence to the point of beginning."
<br />Subd. 18. Home Occupations.
<br />7ioAionna
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