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lNhony <br />ilia e <br />MEMORANDUM <br />To: St. Anthony Village City Council <br />From: Breanne Rothstein, AICP, City Planner <br />Date: June 22, 2016 <br />City Council Regular Meeting for July 12, 2016 <br />WSB Project No. 02170-250 <br />Request: Request to keep three (3) female chickens in an R-1 Zoning District at 2912 <br />33rd Avenue NE <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Staff received an inquiry from the Applicants requesting information about what they needed to do in <br />order to be able to have chickens on their property. They were directed to provide a site plan showing <br />the location and dimensions of the proposed enclosure on the property, as well as a written request to <br />the City Council in the form of a letter. <br />The Applicants have provided a written request and a diagram showing the location and dimensions of <br />the chicken coop in relation to their property. In these materials, the Applicants state that the coop will <br />have a 4 -foot x 4 -foot footprint with a 2 -foot high chicken -wired enclosed area. The diagram shows that <br />the coop will be located 5 feet from the Applicant's rear property line and 2 feet lower than the cedar <br />fence that encloses the property. Applicant states that the materials for the coop will be a natural wood <br />and will blend well with the existing landscaping. <br />Applicant also indicated in an email to staff that he has verbal approval from three of his backyard <br />neighbors regarding the chicken enclosure. <br />CITY CODE RELATED TO REQUEST <br />Title IX General Regulations, Chapter 91 Animals, Section § 91.56 KEEPING OF CERTAIN ANIMALS states <br />that "No person may keep swine, cattle, horses, goats, or more than 2 dogs or 3 dogs allowed under § <br />91.01 through 91.05 or fowl, within the city nearer than 500 feet to any human habitation or platted <br />land, without approval of the City Council. The City Council may, before approving or denying any <br />request for approval, request a report from the Health Officer concerning the effect on public health." <br />RECOMMENDED ACTION <br />1. Recommend Approval of the Request. In the event of a recommendation for approval, the City <br />Council may modify the resolution for approval to include any conditions that it deems <br />necessary. <br />2. Recommend Denial of the Conditional Use Permit. In the event the City Council chooses denial <br />of the request, it should clearly state its reasons for the denial recommendation and direct staff <br />to prepare a resolution. <br />15 <br />