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17 <br />EXHIBIT —A: <br />June 21, 2D15 <br />St_ Anthony Village City Council <br />3341 Silver lake goad <br />St. Anthony Village, MN 55418 <br />Reference= Requested Permit Information J Solboe Residence 2912 33rd Avenue NE <br />Dear Council Members, <br />I anti writing to request a permit to keep three chickens at our home located at 2912 33rd <br />Avenue NE. Over the past weeks, I have been in contact with Breanne Rothstein and <br />Karina Heim and have provided them with information they requested as part of the <br />permit process, <br />Ms. Heim suggested that we provide additional information in a letter and that we <br />provide a detailed drawing of our backyard with the coop's proposed location. I have <br />attached that drawing- The drawing also includes a side view of the coop - <br />The coop is to be located parallel to our back property line in our completely fenced in <br />backyard. it will be at least 5' from the property line and it will sit approximately 2" <br />lower than our solid cedar fence so as to not be seen by our neighbors- The coop is <br />made of natural colored wood that should blend in nicely with our fence and fit well <br />with the extensive bushes, ferns, flowers and rather landscaping we have built up and <br />added to over the years. <br />The dimensions of the wooden coop are 4'x 4' and 2' high for the chicken wired <br />enclosed base area with an enclosed wooden nesting area with dimensions of 4' x 2' sits <br />on !4 of the base coop. <br />Please let me know if you have any questions or if you need any further information, <br />Note that I am available to attend the City Council meeting on July 12�h. Please let me <br />know if that would be helpful and if t should plan to Bio that. Thank you. <br />siric rely, <br />William and Robin Solboe <br />2912 33rd Avenue NE <br />St. Anthony Village, MN 55418 <br />Phone: 612-730-8872 Email: solboOOI <br />