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CC PACKET 07262016
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CC PACKET 07262016
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22 <br />Page 2 <br />The Applicant wishes to add additional outdoor seating to the dining establishment located at 3701 <br />Stinson Boulevard, known as "The Unofficial". In 2015, The Unofficial was granted a conditional use <br />permit to allow for an establishment primarily for the sale of beverages for consumption. In the <br />terms of a conditional use permit granted in 2015, The Unofficial was permitted under the following <br />stipulations: <br />1. All conditions stated in resolution 10-052 approving a conditional use permit for a <br />restaurant located within 250 feet of a residential structure or district shall remain in full <br />effect, which are: <br />a. Garbage areas must be enclosed with materials that match the building; <br />b. Lighting must be "down spill" with no spillage to affect the adjacent residential <br />properties; <br />c. No music or other artificial noise shall be audible from the restaurant to adjacent <br />residential properties; <br />d. The remodel and redevelopment of the property shall conform as closely as possible <br />and practicable to the Village at St. Anthony design standards and PUD documents. <br />The Applicant shall submit the appropriate plans and permits for review and approval <br />before beginning any construction or other alterations that requires a permit (i.e. building <br />permit for any interior work, sign permit, electrical permit, plumbing permit, etc.). <br />Outdoor seating associated with the restaurant use is not permitted with this Conditional <br />Use Permit (CUP). If outdoor seating is desired, an amendment to the CUP allowing a <br />restaurant within 250 feet of a residential district is required. <br />The proposed addition of 40 outdoor seats on the premises requires an amendment to the existing <br />CUP, which the applicant was made aware of at the time of CUP approval in 2015. The underlying <br />zoning for the property, within the greater Planned Unit Development, is Commercial, which allows <br />restaurants within 250 feet from a residential structure or district as a permitted conditional use. <br />The proposed outdoor seating area is located along the western side of the establishment that faces <br />Stinson Boulevard. The neighboring residential area within 250 feet is located to the east of the <br />property. The applicant has provided a site design sketch for the outdoor seating which shows that <br />the perimeter of the additional seating area will be located 10 feet from the property line. The <br />sketch confirms the addition of 10 outdoor tables for a total of 40 additional seats. The applicant has <br />stated that he intends to construct a standard 40" height railing around the perimeter of the <br />outdoor seating area. <br />SAC Determination <br />Due to the proposed additional seating at the establishment on the premises, applicant has applied <br />for a SAC Determination from the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services division. <br />Hours of Operation <br />Title XI Business Regulations, Chapter 111 Licenses, Permits, and the Like, Section §111.172 HOURS <br />OF OPERATION states that every recreational establishment within the city must be closed to the <br />public between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. "Recreational Establishment" includes <br />restaurants. The hours of operation of The Unofficial are from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. <br />Parking <br />The Applicant's documentation shows that no existing parking spaces will be lost as a result of this <br />proposed outdoor seating area addition. The City's parking ordinance requires that the number of <br />
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