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CC PACKET 07262016
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CC PACKET 07262016
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24 <br />Page 4 <br />h. The remodel and redevelopment of the property shall conform as closely as possible <br />and practicable to the Village at St. Anthony design standards and PUD documents. <br />The Applicant shall submit the appropriate plans and permits for review and approval <br />before beginning any construction or other alterations that requires a permit (i.e. building <br />permit for any interior work, sign permit, electrical permit, plumbing permit, etc.). <br />3. Outdoor seating associated with the restaurant use is allowed, provided the establishment <br />exercise significant efforts to reduce the likelihood of noisy or disruptive activities in the <br />outdoor seating area after 10:00 pm. <br />3. The use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or general welfare of persons residing or <br />working in the vicinity or to the values of property in the vicinity, and <br />Surrounding land uses in the immediate vicinity include undeveloped property to the north, high <br />density residential to the east, and commercial to the south located on the other side of the rail <br />road tracks. Property to the west, in the City of Columbia Heights, includes commercial and high <br />density residential. The site has been used as a restaurant in the past. <br />Having the business open until 1 a.m. may have an impact on noise associated with patrons <br />leaving the restaurant in the morning hours. The addition of outdoor seating will increase the <br />likelihood of noise later in the evening. However, the hours of operation and proposed <br />conditions are similar to those for the Village Pub, which is also within 250 feet of a residential <br />structure or zoning district and allows outdoor activities between up until 1:OOam. <br />Currently, the design configuration of the outdoor seating area faces Stinson Boulevard, <br />buffered from the adjacent residential use by the primary structure of the establishment, a <br />parking lot and a road. These factors may reduce the probability of a noise concern during the <br />late night hours. Criterion met. <br />4. The use will provide a service or a facility which is in the interest of public convenience and will <br />contribute to the general welfare. <br />It is a common trend to include an aspect of outdoor seating and patio areas for restaurant uses. <br />Having an option to sit outside, especially in higher traffic areas, like on Stinson, would <br />contribute to the public benefit insomuch as they have options for dining and entertainment. <br />Criterion met. <br />CONCLUSION <br />The Applicant has applied for a CUP to add 40 outdoor seats to the establishment located at 3701 <br />Stinson Boulevard. A 2015 CUP issued for the premises prohibited the addition of outdoor seating <br />without an additional CUP amendment for a restaurant located within 250 feet of a residential structure <br />of zoning district. The primary concern at that time was the propensity for noise at an establishment <br />allowed to operate until 1:00 am. Although noise remains a concern, the design sketch indicates that the <br />placement of the outdoor seating area along Stinson Boulevard at a maximum distance from the <br />neighboring residential structure to the east will reduce the likelihood of audibility and visibility <br />concerns. Additionally, the proposed environment is very similar to the operation at the Village Pub <br />establishment, also located within 250 feet of a residential area and which allows outdoor activities up <br />until 1:00 am in its outdoor seating area. <br />POSSIBLE ACTIONS <br />1. Request Additional Information and Continue the Public Hearing. It appears the Applicant has <br />provided all of the required information for the City Council's evaluation. Should the City Council <br />
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