<br />IT RESOLVED by ten City Council of the City of
<br />.nthany, Minnesota (the City) ai follovn:
<br />Secuon I. H Is hereby found, determined and
<br />declared:
<br />1.1 The Minnesota Legislature has Matted itro
<br />Housing and Redevelopment Ad, Minnesota Statutes.
<br />Sections,62111 to 162.111 (ten Act), which authorizes a
<br />municipality to adtivata a housing and redevelopnMt
<br />formarlty In and for Me municipality for the purpose of
<br />uMertaklrg redevelopment projects, InclWlng Me
<br />acqulsillon and ImptovemMl of blighted areas or Open
<br />or undeveloped land, The Act itself created a housing
<br />and redevelopment authority In each municipality In
<br />the slate, but forbade the authority 10 transact any
<br />business Or exercise any powers granted by the Act until
<br />activated by resolution of the governing body M the
<br />municipality.
<br />1.1 In Cbddin, IN Act, the Legislature found Mat the
<br />welfare Of the State requires the redevelopment of
<br />urged and rural areas WNCh by reason of sodolosilch
<br />and technological Changes, faulty arrangement or
<br />design Df bulltlings and Improvements, lack of public
<br />facillfies, or deleterious land use or Obsolete lif
<br />Inflict blight upon the economic value of large areas,
<br />Impair the value of Private Investments, MRa1M the
<br />Source W public revenues add decentralize Communities
<br />to areas Improperly planned and hot related to public
<br />facilities. The L¢glsiatere found Mat 80th Coriddlem,
<br />cannot de remedied by the ordinary operations of
<br />private eni¢rprlse or by relit/ atlon alone, Wt that Ideal
<br />public Codes Must be CleatCd and author@M to up -
<br />partake redevelopment where the cost would not
<br />warrant private Initiative, subject to the declared policy
<br />Of the State that before public Participation Is
<br />authorized or undertaken It M determined locally Mat
<br />redevelopment Carved M met through reliance solely
<br />upon private Initiative. Participation by municlpallties
<br />In redevelopment projects according to a redevelop
<br />ment plan as provided In the Act was declared by the
<br />Legislature to ho a publo use and purpose for Which
<br />Private Property may be acquired and Public money
<br />may be spent,
<br />1.3 As required by Sec11M,61.18, Subdlvislon I of the
<br />Act, a public hearing was conducted July 11, 1901, on iM
<br />Proposal t0 activate a Musing and f!dlVllOpr11M1
<br />authority for ten City, after publication Of notice of Me
<br />hearing In Me Official newspaper of the City once not
<br />^•t Men ten days nor more then thirty days before the
<br />:¢ hearing.
<br /><This Council hereby declares that More Is a need
<br />ler a hwiing and redevelopment i utMrhy to functlom In
<br />the City, since there exist delerlorlated and sub'
<br />standard areas within the City "job cannot be
<br />redeveloped Without government assistance, and since
<br />there is a shortage Of Concept, safe and family dwellino
<br />accommodations lb the City available 10 DersMi Of Iory
<br />Income at renals they can afford,
<br />1.5 The principal area In immediate need Of
<br />redevelopment Is the area north Of LOWry Avenue, West
<br />01 St. Anthony Boulevard and swim of Kenzie Terrace,
<br />plus certain property on In, north side of Kenzie
<br />Terrace. Because these areas Contain buildings or
<br />i mpovements and are by reason 0 faulty arrangement
<br />or dOslgn, ad aterious land use or obsolete layout
<br />detrimental t0 the welfare of the City, this Coungth fins
<br />the areas to Comprise 01 a "Ceterlorieted area" and a
<br />"substandard area" within the meaning of SMlon
<br />,61!11, Subdivision 11 and Section 1621$ Subdivision I
<br />of the Act.
<br />Section 1. There Is hereby activated in and for the City
<br />a housing and redevelopment authority, created es a
<br />Public d0oy corporate and pothic by Section 16218,
<br />Subdivision I of the Act, Sold authority final[ be known
<br />as the Housing and Recovelopnent Authority In and for
<br />the City of St. Anthony and shall consist of five conn
<br />Inissioners, who shah be Personal r.sldlN within the
<br />territorial boundaries M the City. The commISSIOMTs
<br />Shelf be appolmed by the evi with the approval of
<br />his Council after this resolution becomes finally of
<br />factive. Initial appointmMls shell IN for terms 01 One,
<br />f W0, three, four and five years, respcively; thereafter
<br />each commissioner shall be folluned for a five Year
<br />term; provided that If members of the City Council ere
<br />appointed Commissioners, their terms Of Office as
<br />commissioners may colmide with that, terms Of Office
<br />as Crunch members. Upon apporament OI the COM'
<br />missioners add adoplion of bylaws, lou Authority Shall
<br />exercise off powers and transect such bud radar as It
<br />deems necessary or desirable under the Act,
<br />Section 3. The City shall Cause this resolution to.ho
<br />publlshed In Me Official dowspeper of the City In the
<br />Same manner in which ordinances are Publohed. The
<br />City Clerk Is further authorized and directed to file,
<br />when this resolution hiilmi 1, effective, a cMifled COPY
<br />of this resolution with the Minnesota Housing Com
<br />mi55lpn.
<br />Sally Halk
<br />Mayor
<br />.debt:
<br />Carol B. Johnson
<br />City Clark
<br />Revlewed for administration;
<br />Larry Hamer
<br />Acting City Manager
<br />Adopted this AM day Of July, 1981.
<br />f Bef olth: July 13, 19ep
<br />Shag of CfflilinCz Oul 1
<br />County of Ramsey J}'
<br />No Theodore ._. __ being duly sworn, On aain idyl
<br />1111 1111
<br />he is ano during At me times herein Simco has been the ._. _.
<br />pIn 'h`eadOa' collo Ol If)
<br />Saidfr avIC sNpw Brined Bullfthe
<br />Ono lids r, ul I, gf 01 Imp tells,fhol nerem sidled 05 IpIIOwS 1❑ Said n¢w5pd0¢r it prinlCO the
<br />English lan9vayr news0aper formal ane .n column ano shell roan ego Na1en1 n primed spa"trio al
<br />Iasi, 903 square p0es (1) Said new,papCl is d y, Oki, end IS aislrlbull, a1 less, DOCe each week.
<br />(J) slid nev4pdppr ha, SO percent 01 IIs new] Column] develop 10 news 01 local interest 10 IN Com
<br />unhY Which 11 pvrporis 10 serve and does no wholly tlgoli 04 any other PuOlKahou and is not made
<br />up enl,rrly 01 Clients, plate mall" and advert,lemenl1. (a) Sao newspaper i] Circwiloo in and near
<br />the mums, ally which it pvrC,mis 10 serve, has a, least Si Copies regvlally ehvC,C, to ayin
<br />]collInOrl, no, an average 01 al .earl 75 pe,(tW 0( I'S 101a, Cir Cula Lon Currently gold Or n0 more than
<br />three months in arrears and has entry aS Second class mailern115 1.fal p01Lo11Km
<br />e (5) sand
<br />newsDaprr
<br />pur""Is o serve he village DI New brignlon in the County al Ramsey dna d has ifs knOn'n ollice
<br />oI 65uf in the V,Ilogc Of New BngMon Sold Coven,, eslatChSheo add Open palmy its regular
<br />bVS.nfSS 'Our' IOr In' laureling 01 nlw5, Sale OI advrrhlenilnl] and ]die 01 SVOSC,.P,.Oni ano man
<br />Iamttl of the publisher of sa"d newspaper 01 Demons m his emPloy and subjeCl 10 his 0,ro. n end
<br />Conlrol during al: svcn regular business hours at whch said newspaper 1s printed la, Said news
<br />Paper ill" a cool Or each ,Slue .mml'd.alely with the Stale H.SoriCDl SeC.e'y ()) Said newspaper has
<br />Coml:bed wah all the foregoing <Ondl!l0ns to, a1 teas. two year] prate GnG the day or dales 01 pubh
<br />Canon mrnh0irm brim, (8) Sam ne,,Shaper has ,neo wth grill Secretor Of Stale Of rel nes.'a P•wr
<br />10 Jun.", 1, or, ano each lanoary 1 Ineleaf,er an alhdal l In the form P11111ibed or the SeCretdry
<br />of $late ano lyres fly 'he pubfi,mr and sworn 10 PaIre d 0.1.11 publ" sbnng ,nal the lolmoipel IS
<br />a 'Co., N,,,PbDC,
<br />Helprmer swtes onoa'r.Indl'ne primed Resolution. No. 81-•051
<br />nerelo rtfaCh" as a part hereof was Cot from the Columns
<br />Of Sala newspaper. bila wa, primed and pvbhshea therein In the language, once aeon walk, for
<br />one successive weeks. that it was first SO punt Shed OrThi,1101l,, 23rd
<br />_ J
<br />66Y 01 .uly of 19 811,N was therealler primed and put
<br />lishM on every Thi rSaay 10 and lnUva rg Tnvrsaa, the . 11.11... day of
<br />19 one that the following li a printed Copy of the lo", Case alphabet
<br />from A 10 Z. Win indij,ive, and it hereby afknowlea ged as being the Size and kind Of type used in
<br />the Composition and publiCationof Said notice t0 wil. y
<br />aDCaeignilklmrapprAuvwxyz / �
<br />�p]
<br />AA r- Ui
<br />SvIovdibeaWore .23rd tlay 01 1113`'
<br />NOIDI'Y Public. —Ift'bald': County. Mlnnes016
<br />My Commission Expires ,. r- 19.
<br />Affidavit of Publication, dated July 23, 1981,
<br />of the Resolution activating a Housing and
<br />Redevelopment Authority to function in the City
<br />of St. Anthony, Minnesota.
<br />