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HRA MINUTES 06231981
City Council
HRA Minutes
HRA MINUTES 06231981
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1.3 As required by Section 462.425, Subdivision <br />2 of the Act, a public hearing was conducted July 14, 1981, <br />on the proposal to activate a housing and redevelopment <br />authority for the City, after publication of notice of the <br />hearing in the official newspaper of the City once not less <br />than ten days nor more than thirty days before the public <br />hearing. <br />1.4 This Council hereby declares that there is a <br />need for a housing and redevelopment authority to function <br />in the City, since there exist deterioriated and substandard <br />areas within the City which cannot be redeveloped without <br />government assistance, and since there is a shortage of <br />decent, safe and family dwelling accomodations in the City <br />available to persons of low income at rentals they can afford. <br />1.5 The principal area in immediate need of redevelop- <br />ment is the area north of Lowry Avenue, west of St. Anthony <br />Boulevard and south of Kenzie Terrace, plus certain property <br />on the north side of Kenzie Terrace. Because these areas <br />contain buildings or improvements and are by reason of <br />faulty arrangement or design, deleterious land use or obsolete <br />layout detrimental to the welfare of the City, this Council <br />finds the areas to comprise a "deterioriated area" and a <br />"substandard area" within the meaning of Section 462.421, <br />Subdivision 11 and Section 462.425, Subdivision 1 of the <br />Act. <br />Section. 2. There is hereby activated in and for <br />the City a housing and redevelopment authority, created as <br />a public body corporate and politic by Section 462.425, <br />Subdivision 1 of the Act. Said authority shall be known <br />as the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the <br />City of St. Anthony and shall consist of five commissioners, <br />who shall be persons residing within the territorial boundaries <br />of the City. The commissioners shall be appointed by <br />the Mayor, with the approval of this Council, after this <br />resolution becomes finally effective. Initial appointments <br />shall be for terms of one, two, three, four and five years, <br />respectively; thereafter each commissioner shall be <br />appointed for a five-year term; provided that if members <br />of the City Council are appointed commissioners, their <br />terms of office as commissioners may coincide with their <br />terms of office as council members. Upon appointment of <br />the commissioners and adoption of by-laws, the Authority <br />shall exercise all. powers and transact such business as it <br />deems necessary or desirable under the Act. <br />Section 3. The City shall cause this resolution <br />to be published in the official newspaper of the City in <br />
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