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CC MINUTES 03102009
City Council
City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 03102009
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />March 10, 2009 <br />Page 4 <br />2 Mr. Doug Koehntop, Park Commission Chair, stated his support of the Emerald Park <br />3 Improvement Project. He reported that the Park Commission recommends retaining the splash <br />4 deck in the improvement project and reported on benefits of the splash deck. <br />6 Councilmember Roth asked if the Park Commission voted unanimously to include the splash <br />7 deck in the improvement project. Mr. Koehntop replied the vote in favor of the splash deck was a <br />8 major majority. One commissioner had concern, but agrees with the fact that it can be a very <br />9 positive feature. <br />10 <br />11 Councilmember Gray stated spending over $1 million at this time is tough, but he recognizes that <br />12 the park needs to be rehabilitated. The rehabilitation of the park is to the City's advantage <br />13 overall. Due to the way the finances have been structured the project will not increase taxes, and <br />14 the City is receiving a good price to do the project at this point. It makes sense to do the project <br />15 at this time and he is behind it. He stated his opposition to including the splash deck in the <br />16 project. He stated the cost is $196,000 for something that would benefit a fairly small part of the <br />17 City when there is a splash deck at Central Park. He pointed out that there is not a splash deck at <br />18 Silver Point Park, so an argument could be made against including a splash deck on the northern <br />19 end of the City. He stated he can think of several ways to invest $196,000 into the youth of the <br />20 community that could be better than a splash deck, which will only benefit a few people. He <br />21 understands that other communities are including splash decks, but he does not think St. Anthony <br />22 compares itself to other communities. <br />23 <br />24 Mayor Pro Tern Stille stated he does not think St. Anthony needs to do anything because other <br />25 communities are doing it; he would like to do things because other communities are not doing <br />26 them. He stressed the vision statement of the City states things like unique environment, vibrant <br />27 community, and desirable city to live, work and play. The mission statement of the City states to <br />28 be progressive, livable, and a walkable village. He stated the City Council examines the vision <br />29 statement and mission statement each year. They are making sure that they reinvest in the <br />30 community and give children a good place to play. The City Council wants to be progressive and <br />31 that is what they are doing here. This park has been sitting here too long; the splash deck is <br />32 replacing a water feature that a Council years ago decided was worth having. He stated the <br />33 wading pool at this park was a great gathering place when his kids were young. He stated the <br />34 following reasons for his support of the project including the splash deck. The project with the <br />35 splash deck included came in under budget. This is a great time to invest in the community; they <br />36 are borrowing at extremely favorable interest rates. The park will be a draw for kids with an ultra <br />37 kid - friendly amenity, and will be a draw for new families to move into that neighborhood. This <br />38 will help with the open enrollment issue in the neighborhood. He stated in summary, he is for the <br />39 complete package. Going back to the City's vision and mission statements shows that they <br />40 should move forward with the park as proposed with the water feature. <br />41 <br />42 Councilmember Thuesen stated his support of taking care of Emerald Park. He stated it is <br />43 overdue and is not meeting the needs of the community. It is a difficult time to spend the money, <br />44 but it will be money well spent. He stated if they do not include the splash deck the park will still <br />45 have nice walking paths, benches, very nice landscaping, new, nicer, and safer playground <br />46 equipment, a ball field, and hockey. So, even without the splash deck they are getting a lot of <br />
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