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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />May 22, 2007 <br />Page 8 <br />reconstruction of the sidewalks along Old Highway 8 and the contractor would be the <br />responsible for the repair at his cost. <br />City Manager Morrison reported the newly redone alleys did not pass the test, so they will be <br />redone at the expense of the contractor. <br />7 City Manager Morrison reported a portion of Old Highway 8 would receive new mill and overlay <br />8 at no increased cost to the City. He commented this would result in improved drainage. <br />9 City Manager Morrison displayed a copy of the water quality report that would be mailed out to <br />10 residents. <br />11 <br />12 Councilmember Stille commented City Manager Momson's report on increasing staff for the <br />13 Liquor Stores fit in with the audit report given by Ms. Moeller. <br />14 <br />15 Mayor Faust thanked City Manager Mornson for the bike patrol report. <br />16 <br />17 Mayor Faust stated it is important for the public to know the Pollution Control Agency issues <br />18 have occurred well into the 1980's and water filtration plant was part of that. He commented the <br />19 City received money from the Federal government in 1990 for water quality. Mayor Faust <br />20 commented it is important that the City has staff with the institutional knowledge that can talk <br />21 about what happened in the past and apply it to the present and the future. <br />22 <br />23 Councilmember Stille reported he attended the Salo Park Dedication and visited with the <br />24 students and the teacher from Salo, Finland. <br />25 <br />26 Councilmember Stille reported he attended the Kiwanis Meetings where the Sister Cities <br />27 Committee met and recognized Mr. Dave Abramson for contribution to Sister Cities. <br />28 <br />29 Councilmember Thuesen reported he attended the Salo Park Sculpture dedication <br />30 <br />31 Councilmember Thuesen passed on his appreciation to the Police Department for the bike patrol. <br />32 <br />33 Councilmember Gray reported on the NW Youth and Family Services first quarter services. He <br />34 stated the NW Youth and Family Services provide mental health counseling, diversion services, <br />35 youth run business services, senior chore youth, and senior chore seniors. He stated cost for the <br />36 contract is $3,500 per year and the total value for the first quarter services amounted to $6,600. <br />37 <br />38 Mayor Faust reported he met with the school delegation from Salo, Finland and had a good <br />39 meeting. He stated he spoke to the people from the school who commented they enjoyed the <br />40 event. He stated Mr. Tom Keith discussed sending the band to Salo in a couple of years. <br />41 <br />42 Mayor Faust reported that on May 16, 2007 he was a judge for the Project Citizen where junior <br />43 and senior high civics classes from 29 schools made up a story board on projects such as: water <br />44 contamination, park safety, graffiti, school bullying, tailgating, and buck thorn. He explained the <br />45 students reported who they talked to, what the laws were, and using a thought process, analyzed <br />