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CC MINUTES 03132007
City Council
City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 03132007
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />March 13, 2007 <br />Page 12 <br />1 Liquor Operations successfully passed all of the alcohol and tobacco compliance checks <br />2 performed by the Police Department. <br />4 Mr. Larson commented on the customer survey responses. He indicated the surveys indicated <br />5 employees are courteous, knowledgeable, provide carryout service and accurate; the interior and <br />6 exterior are clean and organized; the product selection and prices, and they are knowledge of <br />7 reduced taxes. He reported they received a 94% excellent or good rating. <br />9 Mr. Larson thanked all City Staff, departments and the council for their support. <br />10 <br />11 Councilmember Thuesen asked what results are seen from the sampling events. <br />12 <br />13 Mr. Larson stated sampling events work out very well for most retail environments. He stated <br />14 they have a two prong tasting option. He stated an on -line sign up option with the event held for <br />15 their on -line club members or in -store tastings are held in the store with the different vendors and <br />16 suppliers of the stores. He stated they carry such a variety of beers and wines that it is <br />17 overwhelming for customers to know what is available. He stated these events help the <br />18 customers make more informed selections. <br />19 <br />20 Councilmember Thuesen congratulated Mr. Larson on the compliance checks and for the record <br />21 year. <br />22 <br />23 Mayor Faust stated the police and liquor work hand in hand and are mutually supporting. The <br />24 goal is safety and the sale of liquor. He pointed out compliance checks are unannounced as the <br />25 potential to sell to a minor are tremendous. He stated that earlier Mr. Roger Larson pointed out <br />26 the $414,000 in profit on liquor sales equates to 17 percent less the City has to collect in property <br />27 taxes. Mayor Faust congratulated the Liquor Operations staff. <br />28 <br />29 Mayor Faust stated the Council and community witnessed five presentations by department <br />30 heads on what happens in the City. He said each department talked about goals in internal to <br />31 their departments. He stated everyone also heard department heads have a great deal of <br />32 cooperation together. Mayor Faust stressed this is what the City and department heads do that <br />33 synergizes the City. <br />34 <br />35 VI. GENERAL POLICY BUSINESS OF THE COUNCIL <br />36 <br />37 A. Resolution 07 -030; Establishing a Road Reconstruction Task Force <br />38 <br />39 City Manager Mornson stated this is a resolution calling for the establishment of a task force of a <br />40 group of citizens to study the reconstruction of concrete streets. He stated it had been the City's <br />41 intent to reconstruct concrete streets with asphalt with concrete curb and gutter. Mr. Morrison <br />42 indicated the next time a concrete street is 2009. <br />43 <br />44 City Manager Mornson reported that at the February 13, 2007 Council meeting, two residents <br />45 approached the Council about an opportunity to have some public discussion on the City's <br />
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