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CC MINUTES 03132007
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City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 03132007
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />March 13, 2007 <br />Page 3 <br />2 Mr. Todd Hubmer, WSB & Associates, reported the project consists of street reconstruction, <br />3 replacement, and new construction of sanitary sewer, water main, and storm sewer lines, <br />4 sidewalk improvements, and lift station modifications. He reported three resolutions are before <br />5 the Council for consideration that include a resolution ordering improvements, a resolution <br />6 adopting and confirming assessments for the various public improvements, and a resolution <br />7 awarding a bid for the 2007 street and water main improvements. <br />9 Mr. Hubmer indicated the street reconstruction project would include the following locations: <br />10 27th Avenue N.E. from Stinson Boulevard to Coolidge Street; Pahl Avenue from Roosevelt to <br />11 Wilson Street; Roosevelt Street N.E. north of 27th Avenue; the alleys between Roosevelt and <br />12 Wilson Streets -north and south of Pahl Avenue; the ally south of 271h Street from Stinson <br />13 Boulevard to Wilson Street; 39th Avenue N.E. from Silver Lake Road to Chandler Drive; <br />14 Chandler Drive from 39th Avenue N.E. to Foss Road; the Foss Road Lift Station; the Foss Road <br />15 Lift Station force main from the lift station to Roseville; Highcrest Drive sidewalk and lighting <br />16 from 37`h Avenue to 33`d Avenue; and the Old Highway 8 sidewalk and lighting from 33`d <br />17 Avenue to 291h Avenue. <br />18 <br />19 Mr. Todd Hubmer informed Council the street and utility improvements include 27`h Avenue <br />20 N.E. from Stinson Boulevard to Coolidge Street, Pahl Avenue from Roosevelt to Wilson Street, <br />21 Roosevelt Street N.E. north to 27th Street, the alleys between Roosevelt and Wilson Streets; north <br />22 and south of Pahl Avenue, the alley south of 27th Street from Stinson Boulevard to Wilson Street, <br />23 and 39th Avenue N.E. from Silver Lake Road to Chandler Drive. <br />24 <br />25 Mr. Todd Hubmer reported the bids for the improvements were received, opened, and tabulated <br />26 according to law. He stated Meyer Contracting, Inc. of Minneapolis submitted the lowest bid. <br />27 He stated the bid for asphalt pavement and sanitary sewer rehabilitation is $3,456,243.27 <br />28 <br />29 Mr. Hubmer stated some of the common project concerns expressed included driveway <br />30 replacement, access to driveways and alleys to homes, sidewalk and concrete step replacement, <br />31 access during events and for special needs and disruption to sprinkler systems and invisible <br />32 fences. He assured everyone that the City would work with them to mitigate the impact. Some <br />33 concrete and step replacement will take place at this time also. He instructed residents to contact <br />34 Mr. Pete Baker, Project Manager, with questions. He assured everyone the City would work <br />35 with them to relieve the impact. <br />36 <br />37 Mr. Hubmer stated the project was scheduled to begin in late April 2007, however, with the <br />38 recent snow, the road restrictions would probably remain until May. He indicated Center Point <br />39 Energy would relocate gas mains in all streets during this time. He indicated the project is <br />40 scheduled for completion the end of October 2007, weather permitting. <br />41 <br />42 Mr. Hubmer reported street and local draining costs would be assessed at 35 percent to the <br />43 residents, 50 percent to commercial tax- exempt properties and 65 percent to the City's general <br />44 levy. He explained the calculations were made using the lineal feet of street frontage. Mr. <br />45 Hubmer stated the water service replacement fee is a flat $400 fee. He explained how the <br />46 frontage estimates are assessed. He reported the total assessments are $523, 454.33. Mr. <br />
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