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CC MINUTES 03132007
City Council
City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 03132007
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />March 13, 2007 <br />Page 5 <br />stated this was partly due to the great weather. He provided a breakdown of their <br />trauma/medical calls, working fire calls, fire loss costs, and all other calls. <br />Chief Malenick reported on the 3000 hours of training provided, fire prevention programs and <br />the community projects they were involved in for 2006. He discussed the $200,000 grant <br />awarded and how the money was spent. <br />8 Chief Malenick summarized the local code enforcement and total documents reports. He <br />9 reported there were a total of 192 documented reports in 2006 compared to 104 in 2005. He <br />10 explained these consist of parking violations, vegetation, garbage, refuse, sign violations, <br />11 structure and yard maintenance, and noise violations. <br />12 <br />13 Chief Malenick stated pandemic planning for the City has begun. He explained the World <br />14 Health Organization identified a potential pandemic flu epidemic and asked all Cities to <br />15 minimize the impact. He reported his focus would be on department heads and workings with <br />16 City Administrator Mornson on the letting residents know what to expect with manpower and <br />17 supply shortages in case of a pandemic. <br />18 <br />19 Chief Malenick thanked his staff for the outstanding job they did in 2006. He reported they work <br />20 hard for him and the City. <br />21 <br />22 Councilmember Gray congratulated the Fire Department on a great year. He asked if there are <br />23 communities that do not report the dollars lost. He also asked Chief Malenick to talk about $91 <br />24 amount per fire and the number of fires, explosions, and hazards and how it relates to previous <br />25 years. <br />26 <br />27 Chief Malenick replied some communities did not report the dollar loss amounts. He stated the <br />28 low dollar amount is mostly due to the weather. He indicated the State average is about $2500 <br />29 lost per fire. <br />30 <br />31 Councilmember Gray asked if dollar amount impacts the ISO rating for insurance purposes. <br />32 <br />33 Chief Malenick replied they did look at it but it did not have much weight in the calculations He <br />34 explained that what the insurer looks at were for the ISO is mostly manpower, equipment, and <br />35 the water system used at each fire. <br />36 <br />37 Councilmember Horst stated one of the community's concerns with regards to the development <br />38 of Silver Lake Village was the influx of up to 2,000 residents, raising the population about 20 <br />39 percent and the impact it had on emergency services. <br />40 <br />41 Chief Malenick replied most calls would be for emergency services. He reported seeing and <br />42 increase in calls but nothing significant. He reported what did generate more calls was the new <br />43 clinic that moved into Silver Lake Village. <br />44 <br />45 Councilmember Horst asked if this stress the Fire Department. <br />
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