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CC MINUTES 04102007
City Council
City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 04102007
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />April 10, 2007 <br />Page 5 <br />Mayor Faust stated he appreciated the updates because this is probably the largest public effort in <br />any one year. <br />4 City Engineer Hubmer reported on the City Resource Water Plan and GIS. He commented this <br />5 system would provide digital records for the City's infrastructure and backup and protection of <br />6 the records. He stated a draft of the management plan is complete and a meeting was held with <br />7 the Rice Creek Watershed District. Mr. Hubmer commented he would bring the draft to the <br />8 Council for consideration <br />9 <br />10 City Engineer Hubmer reported he submitted two applications for the Livable Communities <br />I 1 Non - motorized Transportation Grant. He stated Minneapolis received about $10 million for this <br />12 project and St. Anthony is qualified to receive some of the money. Mr. Hubmer reported he <br />13 requested $285,000 for sidewalks along Silver Lake Road and $300,000 for sidewalks along <br />14 Stinson Boulevard. He commented he is looking at all options available to fund the projects. <br />15 <br />16 Mayor Faust reminded everyone the funds applied for would be for sidewalks only. <br />17 <br />18 B. Re- Codification of St. Anthony City Code Proposal <br />19 <br />20 City Manager Mornson stated the re- codification of the City Code is one of the City's goals. He <br />21 stated this was brought to Council's attention as information only, to review the proposal, and <br />22 take feedback. He commented he would bring this back later for approval. <br />23 <br />24 City Manager Mornson stated he received an estimate of $11,995 from the League of Minnesota <br />25 Cities for the re- codification project. He mentioned the scope of work would include a review <br />26 of the City's current code of ordinances and all ordinances and resolutions passed since the last <br />27 codification in 1993. He stated it would also include organizing all information based on titles, <br />28 chapters, sections, and according to subject matter and updating the code to reflect current <br />29 statutory and case law requirements, deleting improper or unlawful provisions. <br />30 <br />31 City Manager Mornson stated the second part of the proposal provides for several changes <br />32 including the sign ordinance, and a rental- licensing ordinance. He commented and all ordinances <br />33 would be looked at for inconsistencies. City Manager Mornson mentioned this would be on the <br />34 agenda in May or June 2007. <br />35 <br />36 Councilmember Gray asked who helped with the when done in 1993. <br />37 <br />38 City Manager Mornson stated the League of MN Cities helped. He stated Dorsey would review <br />39 the changes, as they are the City's legal council. <br />40 <br />41 Councilmember Stille commented that one thing to accomplish is to add some meat to code <br />42 enforcement. <br />43 <br />44 City Manager Mornson replied he agreed this was the intent of the re- codification. He <br />45 commented rental licensing currently did not cover duplexes and single - family homes rented out. <br />
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