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CC MINUTES 05082007
City Council
City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 05082007
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />May 8, 2007 <br />Page 4 <br />City Engineer Hubmer stated that the discussion included the 10,000 vehicles that travel on <br />County Road 88 everyday. He estimated that people would use Highway 35W or cut over to <br />Stinson Boulevard rather than the side streets during this time. He commented that all residents <br />would be notified. <br />Mayor Faust asked if crack filling had just been done on County Road 88 about two years ago. <br />City Engineer Hubmer replied Hennepin County did the portion south of St. Anthony Boulevard. <br />10 Councilmember Thuesen asked if the Police Chief had been informed about this as traffic would <br />11 probably increase. <br />12 <br />13 City Engineer Hubmer replied he had not but it would be added to the City Newsletter in July. <br />14 <br />15 4. 2007 Street Reconstruction Project <br />16 <br />17 City Engineer Hubmer stated this project got off to a slow start but began on April 23 with the <br />18 removal of 39th Avenue. He stated they are still working on the sanitary sewer system along 39th <br />19 Avenue and the areas south of 37th Avenue. He explained this is a deep portion of sewer and is a <br />20 major trunk that services a good portion of St. Anthony Village. He commented work would <br />21 continue through June with water main and storm sewer and then begin reconstructing the road. <br />22 He commented that the sanitary sewer rehab work was completed in the alleys on the southern <br />23 part of the project. He stated installation of the storm sewer on the alleys north and south of <br />24 Pahl, Roosevelt, and the alleys south of 27`h Avenue would then begin. He explained that once <br />25 school was out the directional boring of the sanitary sewer force main from the Foss Road Lift <br />26 Station to the City of Roseville would begin. He stated the lift station would start the first part of <br />27 August. <br />28 <br />29 Councilmember Stille asked City Engineer Hubmer to elaborate on the sidewalk construction <br />30 along Old Highway 8. <br />31 <br />32 City Engineer Hubmer stated a portion of the sewer would be replaced. He explained that curb <br />33 and gutter, catch basins, and extending the existing culvers would be part of the project. He <br />34 stated street lighting would also be added in the next couple of weeks. <br />35 <br />36 5. Water Treatment Plant Improvements <br />37 <br />38 City Engineer Hubmer reported the water treatment plant improvements are progressing. He <br />39 stated the contractor completed the replacement of the filter media in both filters of the treatment <br />40 plant. He stated the second vessel is anticipated to be on line within two weeks, with cleanup <br />41 and painting to be finished by June. <br />42 Mayor Faust asked City Engineer Hubmer if progress had been made on the two MWO projects <br />43 out for bid. <br />44 <br />
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