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CC MINUTES 09132005
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City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 09132005
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />September 13, 2005 <br />Page 3 <br />2 Mayor Faust noted that one of the things the Association of Minnesota Municipalities and the <br />3 League of Minnesota Cities is working on is to bring some truth into the Truth -in- Taxation <br />4 paper. He also pointed out that the only increase is the road reconstruction, and the staff felt it <br />5 was important to continue with the road improvements. He asked Mr. Morrison if he was <br />6 comfortable with the expenses and whether the budget will adequately handle the expenses <br />7 without putting the city at risk. Mr. Mornson answered he is comfortable. <br />O <br />9 Mayor Faust reiterated that there are two options in the Resolutions. One option is to hold the <br />10 Truth -in- Taxation meetings; and the other is to have the statement show that there is no <br />11 requirement to hold the Truth -in- Taxation meetings. In this case, the normal monthly schedule <br />12 for Council meetings would continue. <br />13 <br />14 Councilmember Thuesen stated he is in favor of holding the Truth -in- Taxation meetings even <br />15 though it is not a requirement. He said he feels it is the right thing to do and it shows the <br />16 community that the City is up front. <br />17 <br />18 Councilmember Stille asked if the notices would go out either way, and whether there would be <br />19 an added cost to sending them. Mr. Larson explained the notices would go out either way. <br />20 <br />21 Councilmember Stille said the bottom line is that we need to let the residents have a chance to <br />22 talk. That means we will have the hearings on a night that is not traditional for Council meetings <br />n� and could cause confusion. He said he would lean toward keeping the current schedule. <br />25 Mayor Faust gave a reminder that there have already been three meetings. The Truth -in- <br />26 Taxation hearing is for the purpose of giving the public a chance to ask the City to reduce the <br />27 budget. We are keeping the budget the same and cannot reduce it. He said we may give false <br />28 hopes. He said that the fact that we didn't hit the threshold that requires a Truth -in- Taxation <br />29 meeting is a good message to the community. This is the first time since 1991 that we are not <br />30 required to hold one. We are attempting to be fiscally responsible. He stated he is inclined to <br />31 favor Option one, which is to not hold the Truth -in- Taxation hearing. He pointed out that any <br />32 resident can appear at any meeting and make any statements they want to regarding the budget. <br />33 <br />34 Motion by Councilmember Stille, seconded by Councilmember Thuesen, to adopt Resolution 05- <br />35 072, re: A Resolution Setting the City of St. Anthony Proposed 2006 Tax Levy and Budget in <br />36 Compliance with the Truth -in- Taxation Act, referencing Option 1 in the packet as the preferred <br />37 Resolution which does not require a Truth -in- Taxation meeting be held. <br />38 <br />39 Mayor Faust noted the December Council meetings will be held at their normally scheduled date <br />40 and times. <br />41 <br />42 Ayes — 2, Nays — 1(Stille) Motion carried <br />43 <br />44 B. Consider Resolution 05 -073 re: Adopt Salo Park Maintenance and Regulations <br />45 Mr. Morrison reviewed the resolution with the Council and indicated that this has been worked <br />on for the last 12 months. The property is owned by the developer and the City has an easement <br />47 to use. This partnership requires some type of agreement to be set up for maintenance purposes. <br />
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