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October 24, 2016 <br />St. Anthony Village Center Addition <br />Page 2 <br /> <br /> <br />CONSIDERATIONS RELATING TO THE PROPOSED VARIANCE <br />1. Background <br />John Trautz of Trautz Properties, Inc has entered into a purchase agreement with Daniel Shattuck of <br />Shattuck Properties to purchase the multi-tenant strip mall located at 2702-2714 County Road 88, <br />which includes the city-owned liquor store. Shattuck is also selling the Village Pub to the current <br />operator. <br />The Applicants are proposing a preliminary and final plat of “St. Anthony Village Center” to convert <br />the property located at 2700 and 2703-2714 County Road 88 from a Common Interest Community <br />(CIC) plat to a standard “Lot and Block” plat. Additionally, variances are needed to accommodate a <br />zero setback on the proposed property line in several areas. Furthermore, two additional variances <br />are requested to bring existing lot line encroachments into conformity through consideration of <br />variances for existing non-conforming situations. <br />The primary reason for processing this application is to eliminate the defunct Condo Association in <br />favor of a private Easement Agreement. This easement agreement would establish a process for <br />shared maintenance of the parking areas and landscaping areas to more closely match current <br />practice. Additionally, it would be a three party agreement among the City for the liquor store, John <br />Trautz, the new owner of the strip mall, and Corey Burstad, the new owner of Village Pub. The <br />current Condo Association is not following its bylaws for meetings and does not include Corey <br />Burstad (new owner of Village Pub). This change would also be a chance to amend the existing <br />parking and access agreement and CIC documents into one, comprehensive easement agreement. <br />We do not expect anything to change with regard to the way the property is managed or costs are <br />divided from current practice, but to amend the documents to reflect current practice and bring in <br />the new third party (Village Pub). <br />Because the City owns the liquor store through the CIC, the City is a party (co-applicant) to this plat. <br /> <br />2. Applicable Codes. <br />Section 151 Subdivision Regulations, Section 152.120 General Commercial District, and Section <br />152.245 Variances are applicable subsections of city code related to this application. The nature of <br />this application is legal ownership change from a condo to a fee title owner, rather than for the <br />development of land. <br />3. Criteria for and Consistency with Criteria for Approvals. <br />3a. Preliminary Plat <br />The preliminary plat for St. Anthony Village Center proposes to create one new lot by subdividing <br />the existing lot located at 2703- 2714 County Road 88 into two parcels. <br />Section 151.02 lists the following required information, which has been submitted and is satisfactory <br />to staff: identification and description of the plat, design features, including streets, easements, <br />drainage, lots, dimensions, public use area, and elevations. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />