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PL PACKET 10242016
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PL PACKET 10242016
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Plannin g Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />June 27 , 2016 <br />Page 5 <br /> <br />3. Outdoor seating associated with the restaurant is allowed, provided the establishment 1 <br />exercise significant efforts to reduce the likelihood of noisy or disruptive activitie s in the 2 <br />outdoor seating area after 10:00 p.m. 3 <br /> 4 <br />Ms. Rothstein noted if there is excessive noise after 10:00 p.m. the CUP could be considered for 5 <br />revocation. 6 <br /> 7 <br />Chairperson Gondorchin asked if there are any future plans in that location. Ms. Rothstein stated 8 <br />the restaurant is a Conditional Use. The amendment is needed any time there are changes to the 9 <br />CUP. This will not limit any future redevelopment. Chairperson Gondorchin asked about the 10 <br />hours of operation and whether it is open year -round. Ms. Rothstein stated there are hours of 11 <br />operation set for the business and the outdoor seating would follow the same hours (11:00 a.m. to 12 <br />1:00 a.m.) and there are no specifications that the patio be closed during the winter. Chairperson 13 <br />Gondorchin asked how noise would be monitored and enforced. Ms. Rothstein stated the City’s 14 <br />nuisance ordinance would control the noise in decibel level. The police department has a decibel 15 <br />reader. Ms. Rothstein stated there are some issues with using decibel levels. There is no 16 <br />formalized process. 17 <br /> 18 <br />Commiss ioner Bartel asked about the 10-foot setback from the sidewalk and asked if the 19 <br />sidewalk would be right next to the patio. Ms. Rothstein stated the patio would be relatively 20 <br />narrow. The Stinson Blvd project is in the right -of-way which is off the property and includes the 21 <br />sidewalk. Ms. Rothstein will research the exact distance and provide to City Council. 22 <br /> 23 <br />Commissioner Papatola asked how this request is different from the Village Pub. Ms. Rothstein 24 <br />stated outdoor seating was allowed at Village Pub and not part of their CUP. In terms of design it 25 <br />would be similar. This request is strict er than the Village Pub needs to adhere to. 26 <br /> 27 <br />Commissioner Bartel asked if the Village Pub is as close to residential. Ms. Rothstein stated 28 <br />there was no CUP for that property. 29 <br /> 30 <br />Commissioner Kalar asked if there is a plan as to how it will be finished with fencing, etc. Ms. 31 <br />Rothstein stated there will be a fence as alcohol served on the patio must be fenced in to prevent 32 <br />people from walking down the street with their drinks. 33 <br /> 34 <br />Mr. Chris Christopherson, applicant, stated the immediate proposal for the patio is a concrete 35 <br />slab or footings with decking. The decking would have a 40 inch railing. The concrete suggested 36 <br />a concrete patio. They are still in the early stages and these decisions have not been met. 37 <br />Chairperson Gondorchin asked about the noise level and what steps the owner would take in 38 <br />reducing the noise. Mr. Christopherson stated up to and including closing the patio. They will 39 <br />work together with the community to ensure noise will not be a problem. There would be 40 <br />speakers with music that would be directed away from the residents and noise level reduced. 41 <br />There would be no TV’s or additional lighting. The play area would include bean bag games 42 <br />which would end by 10:00 p.m. 43 <br /> 44 <br />Chairperson Gondorchin closed the public hearing at 7:49 p.m. 45 <br /> 46
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