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CC PACKET 11222016
City Council
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CC PACKET 11222016
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11/21/2016 7:37:10 AM
Creation date
11/21/2016 7:34:44 AM
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<br /> <br />MEMORANDUM <br /> <br />To: St. Anthony Village City Council <br />From: Jay Lindgren, City Attorney <br /> <br />Date: City Council Regular Meeting for November 22, 2016 <br /> <br />Request: Request for approval of real estate documents related to St. Anthony <br />Village Center <br /> <br />BACKGROUND <br />John Trautz of Trautz Properties, Inc (Trautz) has entered into a purchase agreement with Daniel <br />Shattuck of Shattuck Properties to purchase the multi-tenant strip mall located at 2702-2714 County <br />Road 88, which includes the city-owned liquor store. Shattuck is also selling the Village Pub to the <br />current operator. <br />As described in the separate request for preliminary plat, final plat and variances, Trautz has <br />requested that the operation of the St. Anthony Village Center no longer be conducted through the <br />use of a “common interest community” (also known as a condominium). Rather, Trautz proposes <br />that a reciprocal easement agreement be used to accomplish the same functions as the existing <br />condominium association. The City currently is an owner of a condominium unit in which the City- <br />owned liquor store is located. Therefore, any changes to the current structure require agreement <br />from the City. <br />Trautz has stated that there are three primary reasons to eliminate the condominium and have the <br />property governed by a reciprocal easement agreement: <br />1. The condominium documents are not currently followed in the regular operation of the <br />Center. To the City’s knowledge, this has caused no issue for the City, but it is not a good <br />practice to act outside of governing documents. <br />2. The condominium association does not current govern the restaurant parcel. Therefore, the <br />maintenance obligations of the condo association do not currently apply to the restaurant. <br />Again, we have no knowledge that this has caused a concern, but the restaurant property <br />owner is willing to join the easement agreement, so uniform maintenance requirements will <br />apply to all properties within the shopping center. <br />3. The City would essentially see no change in how the shopping center is managed and costs <br />would remain consistent. <br />As staff negotiated the items before the Council, it was done with the understanding that the City <br />would be made whole for any costs related to the transaction. Trautz has agreed to cover the City’s <br />costs related to this transaction. An additional cost-related consideration for the City is that the <br />replatting process will make the City’s physical ownership somewhat larger than the current liquor <br />store condo unit. This is because the City will now own part of the parking area (as well as <br />continuing to have additional parking rights). In other words, currently the City owns the liquor <br />store as a condo, plus has a shared right to use common areas. If adopted, the City would in the <br />33
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