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St. Anthony Splash Pad Retrofit Feasibility Study <br />January 24, 2017 <br />Page 6 <br /> <br />K:\02170-430\Admin\Docs\MEMO_StA_SplashPadfinal.docx <br />Option 3 – Irrigation <br />Emerald Park currently contains playground equipment, picnic areas, baseball field, and the splash pad. <br />From 2012 to 2016, irrigation in the park has averaged 0.5 million gallons annually. Underground storage <br />tanks would need the capacity equivalent to one-inch over the irrigation area, approximately 62,000 <br />gallons. This is about 8% of the splash pad’s average weekly use and would meet the irrigation needs for <br />Emerald Park. Pumps, controls, and connections between the underground tank and the control station <br />for the irrigation system would be required (Figure 4, Appendix A). <br /> <br />Highlights <br /> Eight percent of the water used in the splash pad is available for use in irrigation <br /> Eliminate potable water use for irrigation during an average year <br /> Cost: $250,550 <br />Option 4 – Recirculation <br />The recirculation retrofit for Emerald Park would require a 2,000-gallon underground tank connected to <br />the existing discharge manhole, the valve vault, and the sanitary system. The skids and tank would be <br />located to the north of the splash pad (Figure 5, Appendix A). The layout should be evaluated for <br />potential sanitary and water main conflicts. <br /> <br />Highlights <br /> Reduce splash pad water consumption up to 97%. <br /> Cost: $307,600 <br />