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St. Anthony Splash Pad Retrofit Feasibility Study <br />January 24, 2017 <br />Page 8 <br /> <br />K:\02170-430\Admin\Docs\MEMO_StA_SplashPadfinal.docx <br />ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS <br />The City is within the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) North and East Groundwater Management <br />Area (NE GWMA). The annual average water use for the two splash pads is 16.2 million gallons. This is <br />about 6% of the total water use in the City. One of the objectives of the NE GWMA Plan is water <br />conservation. The implementation of conservation at the splash pads will comply with the DNR water <br />conservation objective, as stated in the NE GWMA Plan. <br />