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CC PACKET 02282017
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CC PACKET 02282017
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />February 14, 2017 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />V. REPORTS FROM COMMISSION AND STAFF – NONE. 1 <br /> 2 <br />VI. GENERAL BUSINESS OF COUNCIL. 3 <br /> 4 <br />A. Resolution 17-025; a Resolution Issuing a Negative Declaration of Need for an 5 <br />Environmental Impact Statement for The Village, LLC Redevelopment. 6 <br /> 7 <br />City Planner Breanne Rothstein reviewed an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) is a 8 <br />statutorily required document for large projects that provides analysis about a project’s impacts 9 <br />to specific environmental, water resource, transportation, and other impacts. The analysis in an 10 <br />EAW is used to determine if an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is required for a 11 <br />proposed project. An EIS is required for a project with “potential for significant environmental 12 <br />effects”. An EIS provides more information only about the potentially significant environmental 13 <br />impacts for the categories that the EAW identified as potentially being significantly impacted by 14 <br />the project. Any categories not covered in an EAW would also not be covered in an EIS. An 15 <br />EAW or EIS is not a means to approve or disapprove a project. Ms. Rothstein stated these 16 <br />documents provide information to inform an approval or denial decision at a later date. Once an 17 <br />EAW or EIS is completed, a project can proceed to the land use review process and proceed with 18 <br />obtaining a variety of other permits needed. The information contained in an EAW or EIS can be 19 <br />used by permitting agencies to determine the standards and restrictions that apply to the project. 20 <br />Each permitting agency has its own authority to issue or deny permits for the project. 21 <br /> 22 <br />Ms. Rothstein provided several examples of large residential projects that have required an 23 <br />EAW. Examples of projects requiring an EIS were also provided. 24 <br /> 25 <br />Ms. Rothstein reviewed the decision before the City Council regarding the EAW is to decide 26 <br />whether or not the project has the potential for significant environmental impacts that cannot be 27 <br />addressed through the permitting process. If the Council determines that the project does not 28 <br />have the potential for these significant environmental impacts, the Council should issue a 29 <br />Negative Declaration of Need for an EIS. If the Council determines that the project does have the 30 <br />potential for significant environmental impact that cannot be addressed through the permitting 31 <br />and approval process, the Council should require an EIS. Based on the review completed by 32 <br />WSB & Associates, it is recommended that an EIS is not needed for this project. 33 <br /> 34 <br />Ms. Rothstein noted the Preliminary Development Plan and the Preliminary Plat Review 35 <br />will be reviewed at a future date. This will follow a process in the future and the City Council 36 <br />will consider approval at a later date. The impacts will be reviewed for permitting and for 37 <br />Council consideration at a future date. 38 <br /> 39 <br />Mr. Phil Steger stated this is part of MN Statute regarding environmental impacts of a project. 40 <br />The EAW has been completed. He has reviewed the EAW and found no triggers indicating the 41 <br />need for an EIS. None of the conditions were significant to require an EIS. The EAW goes 42 <br />through the statutory factors and it can be concluded the conditions are common to these types of 43 <br />projects and no EIS is required. 44 <br /> 45 <br />2
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