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CC PACKET 02282017
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CC PACKET 02282017
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />February 14, 2017 <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />through the information available on the website. She reviewed the highlights from the 1 <br />comments, saying there were concerns about the traffic, school crossings, re-opening 26th 2 <br />Avenue, high density in the initial sketches and how that compares to the Comprehensive Plan. 3 <br />Some said they wanted to see lower density with more single family homes. There was concern 4 <br />about potable water and storm water. There was also concern about aesthetics of the parkway, 5 <br />affordability of the housing, school enrollment, and rezoning. There were concerns expressed 6 <br />about maintaining green space, impervious surfaces, flooding, maintaining some of the mature 7 <br />trees and having it be a gateway to the City of St. Anthony. They want it a livable project for all 8 <br />with walking paths and bike paths were also desired. 9 <br /> 10 <br />Mayor Faust stated the traffic study was created in the 1980’s. The study that is done based on 11 <br />current data the capacity of the roadway handles the increased traffic. School crossings will be 12 <br />taken care of and 26th Avenue is a viable street and it will be utilized. He explained the standards 13 <br />for handling water will be met and affordability goes hand in glove with density. There will be 14 <br />some standards for affordability. He noted the school population in St. Anthony is increasing. 15 <br />This area will be rezoned depending on the EAW. The trees can be a liability and when 16 <br />redevelopment is done, the root systems of the trees are destroyed. Mayor Faust stated it is 17 <br />better to have streets flooding rather than basements. Green space is a negotiating issue, will be 18 <br />discussed, and the market will determine the amenities. 19 <br /> 20 <br />Councilmember Stille mentioned St. Anthony Boulevard with a connection to Minneapolis for 21 <br />the Grand Rounds. 22 <br /> 23 <br />Ms. Mel Chaput, 3537 Coolidge Street, stated she is concerned about affordability and is 24 <br />disappointed the community was not able to rally around Lowry Grove more. She is wondering 25 <br />where the families in the lower income pockets will be able to afford to live, noting the micro 26 <br />units will not fit a family. 27 <br /> 28 <br />Motion by Councilmember Stille, seconded by Councilmember Gray, to adopt Resolution 17-29 <br />025; a Resolution Issuing a Negative Declaration of Need for an Environmental Impact 30 <br />Statement for The Village, LLC Redevelopment. 31 <br /> 32 <br />Commissioner Stille stated there was a request to delay this vote but everyone will have ample 33 <br />opportunity to voice their concerns so this vote should not need to be delayed. This development 34 <br />will have some give and take and it will be a project the City will be proud of. 35 <br /> 36 <br />Motion carried 5-0. 37 <br /> 38 <br />Mayor Faust noted on the City’s website, there is a Lowry Grove tab where information is 39 <br />available for review. 40 <br /> 41 <br />B. Ordinance 2017-01; an Ordinance Setting Sewer, Water and Storm Water Charges for 42 <br />2017. 43 <br /> 44 <br />Finance Director Shelly Rueckert reviewed during 2016, the Utility Infrastructure Capital Fund 45 <br />was created and the Water Filtration Fund was closed. As part of this reorganizing, the costs 46 <br />4
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