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Approved by City Council on ___________ <br />3301 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, Minnesota 55418-1699 • •(612) 782-3301 Fax (612) 782-3302 <br />Our mission is to be a progressive and livable community, a walkable village which is sustainable, safe and secure. <br />St. Anthony Village Planning Commission <br />2017 Work Plan <br />The Planning Commission is a seven member advisory commission, appointed by the City Council and <br />charged with the following duties (City Code Chapter 32, Section 32.06): <br />A)Review and make recommendations to the City Council as to a comprehensive municipal plan, <br />including the land use plan, a community facilities plan, a transportation plan, and <br />recommendations for plan adoption and execution; <br />B)Consider and make recommendations to the City Council as to all proposed subdivisions and <br />plats; <br />C)Consider and make recommendations to the City Council as to all proposed amendments to the <br />Chapters 151 and 152 of this code regarding subdivisions and zoning; <br />D)Consider, hold hearings, and make recommendations on conditional use permit applications; <br />E)Review all applications for variance to zoning, hold hearings, and make recommendations to the <br />City Council; and <br />F)Review requests for sign variances. <br />In 2017, the Planning Commission will focus on the following items: <br />1.Continue training on both planning/zoning issues. <br />2.Review and making recommendations on land use and development applications. <br />3.Reviewing and making recommendations on privately or City initiated rezoning and land use re- <br />guiding. <br />4.In conjunction with two City Council members, serve as the steering committee for an update to <br />the City’s Comprehensive Plan, which will take a year of the Planning Commission’s time. The <br />Planning Commission’s role for the Comprehensive Plan is outlined below. <br />•Advocacy. The Planning Commission will represent the city and help inform neighbors, <br />and St. Anthony citizens about the importance of the Comprehensive Plan. <br />•Steering Committee meetings. The Planning Commission will be engaging in discussions <br />around the comprehensive plan update at almost every meeting in 2017. <br />•Attendance at Community wide meetings (2). The Planning Commission will be expected <br />to participate and attend community wide meetings. <br />•Review of draft documents. The Planning Commission will review and make <br />recommendations regarding goals and policies to the City Council, who will ultimately <br />approve the plan. <br />11