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1 | Page <br />INTERSECTION CONTROL POLICY <br />PURPOSE <br />This document outlines policies for determining the location and type of intersection control signage on <br />roadways owned and maintained by the City of St. Anthony Village. The City of St. Anthony Village is <br />implementing this policy for several reasons: <br />Effective traffic control is achieved by exercising the least intrusive control to achieve safe traffic <br />flow. When excessive control or unnecessary control is used, motorists feel imposed upon and <br />frequently will ignore the traffic control device. This can lead to severe consequences involving <br />collisions and possibly personal injury. <br />Consistent application of intersection control devices increases safety to both motorists and <br />pedestrians within the community. <br />Research conducted by the Federal Highway Administration shows that adding stop signs are not <br />effective in addressing the issue of speed. The purpose of stop signs is to assign right-of-way at an <br />intersection, not to control speeding. <br />The Federal Highway Administration also concluded that adding stop signs do not necessarily <br />improve safety at an intersection. <br />A common misconception is that stop signs at an intersection are needed because an accident has <br />occurred there recently. It is important to keep in mind that accidents are random events. Many <br />collisions are the result of driver error and are not the fault of poor design or insufficient traffic <br />control. <br />Public understanding of the function of stop signs is one of the most critical elements in reducing <br />speeding and traffic accidents. <br />A consistent application of the policy serves both the motorist and resident within the City. Stop signs <br />can be an effective safety measure if properly warranted. However, they should not be installed <br />inappropriately where they may be ignored by drivers, needlessly interrupt traffic flow, and negatively <br />affect fuel consumption, the environment, or cause needless noise. <br />The traffic control at an intersection is critical to the operation of both intersecting roadways. If <br />incorrect traffic control is installed for the existing traffic conditions and topographic characteristics of <br />the intersection, undue delays and even unnecessary accidents could occur. The traveling public, <br />especially persons not familiar with the area, typically drive based on instinct. Drivers subconsciously <br />evaluate their surroundings to determine if a stop sign should or should not be located on an <br />intersection approach. <br />PROCESS <br />City staff will formalize the traffic safety concern or request. City staff will assist concerned residents to <br />complete a “Traffic Study Request Form” (appendix A) and gather the pertinent facts to help clearly <br />define the problem and seek a possible solution. Traffic Study Request forms will be reviewed by the <br />City Manager (or designee), Public Works Director, Police Chief and City Engineer. City staff will <br />complete an “Intersection Control Justification Worksheet” (appendix B) and share the results with all <br />interested parties. If a disagreement with the decision or additional information and/or facts that are <br />persuasive as related to the City warrants/policies for the requested sign, interested parties may appear <br />at a City Council meeting and present viewpoint. Any subsequent review of the same or similar request <br />is at the discretion of the City Council.
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