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MnDOT Contract Number: <br /> <br />subject to Minn. Stat. §15.53, such statute will control to the extent of any conflict between the contract and the <br />statute. <br />17. Publicity <br />17.1. Publicity. Any publicity regarding the subject matter of a work order contract where the State is the <br />Requesting Party must identify the State as the sponsoring agency and must not be released without prior <br />written approval from the State’s Authorized Representative. For purposes of this provision, publicity <br />includes notices, informational pamphlets, press releases, research, reports, signs, and similar public <br />notices prepared by or for the Local Government individually or jointly with others, or any <br />subcontractors, with respect to the program, publications, or services provided resulting from a work <br />order contract. <br />17.2. Data Practices Act. Section 17.1 is not intended to override the Local Government’s responsibilities <br />under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. <br />18. Governing Law, Jurisdiction, and Venue <br />Minnesota law, without regard to its choice-of-law provisions, governs this master contract and all work order <br />contracts. Venue for all legal proceedings out of this master contract or any work order contracts, or the breach of <br />any such contracts, must be in the appropriate state or federal court with competent jurisdiction in Ramsey <br />County, Minnesota. <br />19. Prompt Payment; Payment to Subcontractors <br />The parties must make prompt payment of their obligations in accordance with applicable law. As required by <br />Minn. Stat. § 16A.1245, when the Local Government lets a contract for work pursuant to any work order, the <br />Local Government must require its contractor to pay all subcontractors, less any retainage, within 10 calendar <br />days of the prime contractor's receipt of payment from the Local Government for undisputed services provided by <br />the subcontractor(s) and must pay interest at the rate of one and one-half percent per month or any part of a month <br />to the subcontractor(s) on any undisputed amount not paid on time to the subcontractor(s). <br />20. Minn. Stat. § 181.59. The Local Government will comply with the provisions of Minn. Stat. § 181.59 which <br />requires: Every contract for or on behalf of the state of Minnesota, or any county, city, town, township, school, <br />school district, or any other district in the state, for materials, supplies, or construction shall contain provisions by <br />which the Contractor agrees: (1) That, in the hiring of common or skilled labor for the performance of any work <br />under any contract, or any subcontract, no contractor, material supplier, or vendor, shall, by reason of race, creed, <br />or color, discriminate against the person or persons who are citizens of the United States or resident aliens who <br />are qualified and available to perform the work to which the employment relates; (2) That no contractor, material <br />supplier, or vendor, shall, in any manner, discriminate against, or intimidate, or prevent the employment of any <br />person or persons identified in clause (1) of this section, or on being hired, prevent, or conspire to prevent, the <br />person or persons from the performance of work under any contract on account of race, creed, or color; (3) That a <br />violation of this section is a misdemeanor; and (4) That this contract may be canceled or terminated by the state, <br />county, city, town, school board, or any other person authorized to grant the contracts for employment, and all <br />money due, or to become due under the contract, may be forfeited for a second or any subsequent violation of the <br />terms or conditions of this contract. <br />21. Termination; Suspension <br />21.1. Termination by the State for Convenience. The State or commissioner of Administration may cancel this <br />MPC and any work order contracts at any time, with or without cause, upon 30 days written notice to the <br />Local Government. Upon termination, the Local Government and the State will be entitled to payment, <br />determined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily performed. <br />21.2. Termination by the Local Government for Convenience. The Local Government may cancel this MPC <br />and any work order contracts at any time, with or without cause, upon 30 days written notice to the State. <br />Page 11 of 13 <br /> <br />CM Master Partnership Contract (CM Rev. 04/10/2017) <br /> <br />