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Page 2 of 4 MPC Program FY 2017-2022 <br />Exhibit A - Table of Tech Serv <br />Used with TA98 Project IDs <br />If a source code is not on this list, a work order is needed. <br />Date: 04/20/2017 <br />If a source code is not on this list, a work order is needed. <br />Source <br />Code Title Description <br />1732 Material Testing & Inspection Performing construction phase and research physical and chemical laboratory testing, and related technical services in the districts <br />and central labs, and for performing research and construction phase non-destructive testing materials surveys, and related technical <br />services in the field and offices. Includes detour surveys. Non-destructive tests include, skid resistance and falling weight <br />deflectometer (FWD) testing. <br />1733 Concrete Plant Inspections Performing QA/QC physical testing at the plant; sampling and transporting of materials from the plant to the lab for lab testing, plant <br />reviews, and operations; investigating plant discrepancies; and other technical services in the plant or office associated with <br />stationary concrete plants or mobile concrete paving plant inspection. <br />1734 Construction Materials Inspections Performing construction phase material inspection and engineering, for structural steel, precast and pre-stressed concrete, <br />reinforcement steel, and electrical products and related technical services in the field and office for materials to be used in multiple <br />projects. Includes travel time, sampling, and sample delivery. Includes tasks related to reviewing shop drawings furnished by <br />suppliers or fabricators and contractor working drawings or calculations, and for tasks related to structural metals inspection <br />(materials surveys, physical and chemical laboratory testing, material inspection and engineering, and technical services in the field <br />and offices). <br />1735 Bituminous Plant Inspection Performing QA/QC physical testing at the plant; sampling and transporting of materials from the plant to the lab for lab testing, plant <br />reviews, and operations; investigating plant discrepancies; and other technical services in the plant or office associated with <br />bituminous plant inspection. <br />1738 State Project - Specific Materials <br />Inspection <br />Performing material inspection for materials designated for a specific construction project (SP). Generally applies to inspection of <br />such things as structural steel, prestressed concrete items, and most precast concrete items and for SP specific tasks related to <br />structural metals inspection (materials surveys, physical and chemical laboratory testing, material inspection and engineering and <br />technical services in the field and offices). <br />1800 Field Inspection Occasional construction project field inspection (not cyclical inspection of assets); Includes field inspection of materials such as <br />gradations, densities/DCP, proctors, compaction, slump tests, and field air testsand collecting and transporting samples for lab tests, <br />but not the actual laboratory verifications. <br />1870 Traffic Signal Maintenance This work will not substitute for or alter existing cooperative construction agreements or traffic signal maintenance agreements. <br />Work related to the occasional repair and replacement of traffic signal system structures and all electrical maintenance for traffic <br />signal systems including electrical power, labor, equipment materials, GSOC locates, traffic control and responses to public <br />inquiries. <br />1871 Lighting Maintenance & Utilities All work related to installing, maintaining, restoring, or removing highway lighting systems and fixtures. Includes repairing, <br />maintaining, or replacing supports necessary for roadway lighting luminaries. Includes patrol highway lighting, inspect lighting <br />structures, electrical service for highway lighting, re-lamping, pump stations, anti-icing systems, truck roll-over warning systems and <br />electrical repairs. Includes traffic control in support of roadway lighting activities. Use for tasks related to public <br />inquiries/complaints, review utility billings, provide data, and conduct field reviews. <br />1875 Locate One Call Finding and marking locations of buried conduit, cables, hand holes, loops, etc. in order to maintain or repair the traffic management <br />system, signal systems, or roadway lighting systems.