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PL PACKET 11151988 (3)
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PL PACKET 11151988 (3)
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8/2/2017 12:07:20 PM
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8/2/2017 12:07:19 PM
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PL PACKET 01181983
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-7- <br /> 1 Mr. Childs wondered if an arrangement could be made with .Waste <br /> Management to make special collections of garbage from those residents <br /> who indicate they are unable to place the containers at curbside but <br /> 4 he was certain the rates charged those users would necessarily be much <br /> 5 higher. <br /> 6 Councilmember Enrooth responded to Mayor Pro Tem Ranallo's reports of <br /> 7 rumors that "Councilmembers were getting free.garbage hauling from Waste <br /> 8 Management" by saying none of these claims had been repeated to any of <br /> 9 the other Councilmembers as far as he knew. He said he had gotten no <br /> 10 calls or had any questions raised about recycling himself in spite of <br /> 11 reams of minutes of Task Force and Council meetings; the fact that ten <br /> 12 Task Force members were going all over the Village attempting to talk <br /> 13 to any resident they could about the issue and there had been articles <br /> 14 in both the Bulletin and the Newsletter over the months the Task Force . <br /> 15 has been working on and talking to vendors about a plan. <br /> 16 Councilmember Marks indicated he , perceived this was just another <br /> 17 incidence of "difficulty in communicating with the public" which the <br /> 18 City officials have experienced year after year without finding a <br /> 19 solution. He said he didn't think the City could rely only on the <br /> 20 press to get the message across but perceived the notice in the <br /> 21 Newsletter, . which is going out with the water and sewer billing next <br /> 22 week, might reach some of the residents who apparently are missing the <br /> 23 articles which have been appearing in the Bulletin. He suggested that <br /> 24 article could enumerate the reasons the Task Force had for recommending <br /> 25 Waste Management do the recycling and might even generate more response <br /> when residents realize there is a 90 day waiting period for them to <br /> express their concerns to staff or Councilmembers. <br /> 28 Mr. Childs added that the City Hall staff had received only two calls <br /> 29 so far, one which asked for more information on the issue, but <br /> 30 indicated no strong feeling either way, and the other from a resident <br /> 31 who protested having to haul trash out to the street and said there <br /> 32 wasn't room in her garage to store waste containers. <br /> 33 When Mayor Pro Tem Ranallo indicated he wasn't comfortable about "not <br /> 34 advertising for bids and . just assigning a hauler to do the City's <br /> 35 recycling" because he expected the same raise in these rates as had been <br /> 36 experienced by St. Anthony cable subscribers, Councilmember Enrooth <br /> 37 indicated he could see no comparison between the two because Congress <br /> 38 had removed any .controls the City might have had over cable service <br /> 39 charges and St. Anthony was only one of 10 communities who granted <br /> 40 that franchise ,while only the City will be responsible for the recycling <br /> 41 contract. He said Waste Management wanted a three to five year <br /> 42 contract, preferably five, which would contain a constant rate figure <br /> 43 to guaranty them a return on their investment in containerization and <br /> 44 a flexible charge to reflect what they have to pay Hennepin County to <br /> 45 dump the waste which can't be recycled. The ' Councilmember said the <br /> 46 County had already indicated they would be charging $75.00 per ton. He <br /> 47 also pointed out that the residents' charges would be based on how well <br /> 48 St. Anthony recycles because theoretically, if the City's waste is cut <br /> by 1/3, there should be no substantial increase in what residents are <br />
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