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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />September 12, 2017 <br />Page 6 <br /> <br />buildings is very dark and more likely to be similar to buildings in downtown Minneapolis not in 1 <br />St. Anthony. She urged Council to consider the guidelines when considering the project. She is 2 <br />not against developing the land but how it will be done is important. She would like shorter 3 <br />buildings, more trees and greenspace. She stated St. Anthony could become a model to the 4 <br />Country on how problems are addressed. 5 <br /> 6 <br />Ms. Susan Cox, 27th Avenue NE, stated her yard backs up to the Kenzington. She is not opposed 7 <br />to the higher density. She pointed out Lowry Grove is currently zoned single family which is 20-8 <br />25 units per acre. She has concerns with the water management aspect of the developer’s plan 9 <br />and believes the City needs to plan for more than the typical rainfall. The developer said the 10 <br />traffic will not be impacted. She urged the Council to reject the developer’s request for Tax 11 <br />Increment Financing, thinking they should not need financial assistance. She stated she wants 12 <br />any development in that area to include affordable housing and does not think the current 13 <br />proposal is the only option to be considered. 14 <br /> 15 <br />Ms. Andrea Boss, 31st Avenue NE, read a letter from Mary Jackson of 3605 37th Avenue NE. 16 <br />She asked that a special election be held to fill the vacant Council seat. She does not want the 17 <br />Council to use the appointment option. Ms. Boss agreed a special election would be the most 18 <br />transparent way to fill the seat. 19 <br /> 20 <br />Mr. Perry Thorvig, 3112 Townview, agreed two years is too long to have an interim 21 <br />appointment. He also agreed a special election should be held. Mr. Thorvig asked if the 22 <br />developer would be making a presentation and would the public be given the same amount of 23 <br />time for feedback and comments. Mr. Thorvig commented on the Planning Commission 24 <br />Meeting, feeling that residents missed a couple of components of the Lowry Grove plan, i.e., 25 <br />Letter of Proposed Development requiring the City to approve and provide for the settlement. He 26 <br />noted the letter references Tax Increment Financing and he saw the preliminary request for Tax 27 <br />Increment Financing from the developer for $20.5 million. He stated the developer stated the 28 <br />project would not proceed without Tax Increment Financing but this was not included in the staff 29 <br />report. He referenced another letter dated August 1st stating the terms of the settlement were 30 <br />confidential. It did not give the details of the global resolution. He does not feel this is a fair and 31 <br />open process, noting the City of St. Anthony was not part of the settlement negotiations until 32 <br />now when the Council is told they must approve. He stated it is time for the Council to take 33 <br />control of this project. He requested Council follow the Planning Commission’s recommendation 34 <br />for denial of the proposal. 35 <br /> 36 <br />Ms. Susan Guthrie, 2616 Pahl Avenue, expressed her concern on flooding. They were present at 37 <br />the 1998 flooding mitigation project and flooding continues on the streets with high rainfalls. 38 <br />She described the flooding in the past, thinking the numbers used do not reflect the current 39 <br />rainfall patterns as many residents have had water in their basement. She noted the developer 40 <br />cannot add water to the already flooding problems and she does not believe Lowry Grove can 41 <br />manage their own water. She stated she had called the Mississippi Watershed and asked if they 42 <br />were involved in this project and was told they are not, were willing to help, but have not been 43 <br />asked. She noted that Ms. Rothstein and Mr. Hubmer are not City employees. They are contract 44 <br />employees from WSB. She stated she does not know how many hours they work on St. Anthony 45 <br />business and suggested more resources be put on the project on behalf of the City. She requested 46 <br />6