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CC PACKET 10102017
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CC PACKET 10102017
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Last modified
10/17/2017 8:13:18 AM
Creation date
10/6/2017 12:21:49 PM
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October 10, 2017 <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />The basis for the practical difficulties is that the resale of the home without a variance to <br />grant the proposed deck addition would make the house less appealing to potential <br />buyers. The addition to the deck is based on the desire of the Applicants to use their <br />backyard in a different manner. It is that type of construction and the space that is <br />designed that creates the practical difficulty. Criterion not met. <br /> <br />3. The variance, if granted, would be consistent with the City’s comprehensive land use plan. <br />If the variance is granted the use of the property would remain the same land use as it is today, <br />single-family residential. The comprehensive plan guides this area for single-family use and the <br />expansion of the deck will not alter that land use. However, this is a larger deck than can be <br />found in the adjoining properties and neighborhood. Therefore, granting of the variance would <br />not be consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Criterion not met. <br />4. The granting of the variance is in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning <br />code. <br />The intent of the zoning code is to protect the health, safety, and general welfare of the city and <br />its people through the establishment of minimum regulations governing land development and <br />use. The zoning code is established to: protect the use districts; promote orderly development <br />and redevelopment; provide adequate light, air, and access to property; prevent congestion in <br />the public streets; prevent overcrowding of land and undue concentration of structures by <br />regulating land, buildings, yards, and densities; and provide for compatibility of different land <br />uses. <br />Given these factors, this application is not in keeping with the intent of the ordinance to prevent <br />overcrowding of land and undue concentration of structures and provide adequate access to <br />light and air. Other properties in this location would not be able to construct a deck this close to <br />the property line, nor are there decks this close to the property line on other properties. <br />Criterion not met. <br />POSSIBLE ACTIONS <br />1. Motion to adopt a resolution denying the variance, based on the findings listed therein. <br />2. Motion to approve (with or without conditions) the variance and direct staff to prepare a <br />resolution which approves the variance. <br />3. Request Additional Information and Continue the Public Hearing. The Applicant appears to have <br />provided enough information for the City Council to approve or deny the request. <br /> <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />Exhibit A: Location map <br />Exhibit B: Supporting Material <br />
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