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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />May 15, 2012 <br />Page 3 <br />I total number of spaces required for the site is 210, the building is situated on a parcel with 92 <br />2 stalls and the remaining parking will come from the adjacent lot for a total of 329 spaces. She <br />3 indicated the City Council has authorized a study regarding regulation of assemblies and the City <br />4 Council passed a moratorium on the granting of Conditional Use Permits for assemblies, meeting <br />5 lodges, or convention halls pending the results of the study. She stated the study will be available <br />6 prior to a Special Planning Commission meeting to be held on June 4, 2012, and the City will <br />7 need to make a final decision by June 12, 2012, in order to meet the 120 day requirement. <br />9 Commissioner Jensen asked if there is a shared parking agreement or other document in place to <br />10 reflect the parking arrangement. <br />11 <br />12 Interim City Planner Corkle advised if the Planning Commission were to recommend approval of <br />13 the CUP request at its June 4`h meeting, one of the conditions would require the applicant to <br />14 acquire the adjacent property or to have a shared parking arrangement in place. <br />15 <br />16 Commissioner Jensen expressed concern about demand for parking given any midday surges. <br />17 <br />18 Interim City Planner Corkle advised that staff reviewed the number of parking stalls required for <br />19 both assembly and office uses including the day care which resulted in 109 spaces and the <br />20 minimum number of stalls for the remaining uses is 100. She added the site needs approximately <br />21 200 spaces and 330 stalls are available assuming a shared parking arrangement is in effect. <br />22 <br />23 Commissioner Poucher asked if the Special Planning Commission meeting on June 4'h would <br />24 include a public hearing. <br />25 <br />26 City Attorney Lindgren advised the Planning Commission would not be required to hold a public <br />27 hearing on June 4a'; however, the Planning Commission could solicit public input or ask <br />28 questions of the applicant at that time if desired. <br />29 <br />30 Mr. Muxamedrashid Ali appeared before the Planning Commission and stated they bought both <br />31 properties and are able to use parking on both lots so there will be plenty of parking available. <br />32 <br />33 City Attorney Lindgren requested that Mr. Ali clarify for the record that Abu - Huraira Islamic <br />34 Center has a purchase agreement for both parcels. <br />35 <br />36 Mr. Ali replied in the affirmative. <br />37 <br />38 City Attorney Lindgren requested that Mr. Ali confirm that the purchase agreement is active, <br />39 noting there was a previous indication that the purchase agreement expired on April 30, 2012. <br />40 <br />41 Mr. Ali explained that they extended the purchase agreement and it is good until the end of June. <br />42 <br />43 Commissioner Crone requested further information about the hours of prayer and what a typical <br />44 week would entail. <br />45 <br />
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