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Last modified
11/3/2017 10:50:20 AM
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11/3/2017 10:49:20 AM
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Project Description: <br />The proposal calls for the construction of approximately 45 new loft style apartments in <br />one new building over an enclosed parking structure. In addition, the existing medical <br />building could retain the option to consolidate certain medical tenants to first floor space, <br />and convert the upper three floors to approximately 45 loft style units. The developer <br />proposes to work with the core tenants who might like to continue doing business in this <br />location, to find, or develop for them, suitable space within the city. This could be a <br />main floor location within the new or existing building; or a new location entirely. <br />The plan calls for the new building to be built first, beginning in 2014; followed by <br />redevelopment of the existing building, beginning in 2015. The housing units will be <br />designed to attract working couples and singles, as well as empty nester residents, <br />looking for good value for their rental dollar. It is anticipated that, when fully built out, <br />the project will generate S 10 — S 15 Million of additional tax base for the city. <br />The exteriors and landscaping of the project will be designed to compliment the design <br />standards of the Silver Lake Village redevelopment by using similar building heights and <br />materials. However, the project will seek to differentiate itself in various ways, including <br />unit size, style, price and amenities, in order to complement rather than compete with the <br />redevelopment project. <br />The following list outlines some of the significant changes that will take place on the site <br />through the redevelopment process: <br />• Complete redesign of the exterior architectural elements of the existing building <br />in order to match the new buildings which will be constructed; <br />Removal of a substantial portion of asphalt hard surface, to be replaced with <br />enlarged and enhanced landscaped green spaces; <br />Significantly reduced traffic flow to and from the project, creating a positive <br />impact for the contiguous residential neighborhoods. <br />City Approvals: <br />The development may be requesting rezoning of the property to Planned Unit <br />Development, or possibly a simple lot split with rezoning, depending on how the project <br />evolves. <br />
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