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FLOOD RELIEF PROGRAM <br />THIS PROGRAM HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO ASSIST PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN THE <br />CITY OF ST. ANTHONY THAT HAVE BEEN SUBJECT TO RECURRENT FLOODING. <br />FLOOD RELIEF IS ANY MEASURE, APPROVED BY THE CITY, THAT PROPERTY <br />OWNERS MIGHT TAKE TO MINIMIZE FLOOD DAMAGE TO THEIR PROPERTIES. <br />GENERAL <br />This document sets forth the guidelines for the administration of the City of <br />St. Anthony's Flood Relief Program, hereafter known as the Program. <br />Grants will be offered to St. Anthony property owners under funding allocated by <br />the St. Anthony City Council from time to time. <br />2. The City of St. Anthony will provide a grant equal to 65% of contracted <br />improvement costs; the property owner will be responsible for the remaining 35% <br />of the costs. <br />3. Grants will be available on a city -wide basis, up to a maximum grant amount of <br />$10,000. <br />4. The Program will become effective immediately upon City Council approval of <br />program guidelines and funding. <br />The Program will be administered by the Public Works Department. <br />2. ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS <br />Eligible applicants are owners of property in St. Anthony. <br />2. There are no income, asset or equity requirements. <br />Applicants must complete an application form and indicate source of funds to be <br />used for owners contribution. <br />4. Owners of property, subject to recurrent flooding, that has not been previously <br />identified by the Engineering Division, may request participation in the Program. <br />Requests will be evaluated by the Engineering Division on a case by case basis. <br />3. ELIGIBLE PROPERTIES <br />Any property subject to recurrent flooding by storm sewer overflow as <br />determined by the Engineering Division. Recurrent flooding is determined by <br />properties located in an impacted area as designated by the Engineering Division, <br />or properties that do not have at least I% flood protection. <br />2. Property may be either owner or renter occupied. <br />Page I UTUELIC W0RXS \M00DRELIEF- PGRM- 2001.DOCX <br />