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A <br />WSB <br />& Assam ; <br />Infrastructure a Engineering . Planning a Construction <br />CITY OF ST. ANTHONY VILLAGE MEMORANDUM <br />To: <br />From: <br />Date: <br />WSB Project No. <br />Request: <br />BACKGROUND <br />Honorable Mayor and City Council <br />Mark Casey, City Manager <br />Kelsey Johnson, ACIP, City Planner <br />September 24, 2013 <br />City Council Work Session for September 30, 2013 <br />02170 -000 <br />701 Xenia Avenue South <br />Suite 300 <br />Minneapolis, MN 55416 <br />Tel: 763 - 541 -4800 <br />Fax: 763 - 541 -1700 <br />Electronic Delivery Device (E- Cigarette) Code Language Discussion <br />What is an Electronic Delivery Device? <br />Electronic delivery devices (electronic cigarette or e- cigarette) use is on the rise and many communities <br />are struggling to adjust their existing tobacco ordinance to address this new issue. An electronic cigarette, <br />also called an e- cigarette, is a battery operated nicotine vaporizer. E- cigarettes often look like traditional <br />cigarettes but do not produce smoke. The use of the e- cigarettes is referred to as "vaping" rather than <br />"smoking ". <br />E- cigarette users purchase cartridges filled with liquid nicotine and other substances, attached the <br />cartridge onto the e- cigarette battery, and breathe in nicotine vapor produced by a small heating element. <br />The cartridges are sold in many flavors such as cherry, bubblegum, vanilla, and fruit punch. Liquid <br />nicotine found in e- cigarettes is derived from tobacco; however most of the devices do not contain any <br />tobacco. (Information obtained from the Ramsey Tobacco Coalition 612512013 publication). <br />What Does the City of St. Anthony City Code Say About Electronic Delivery Devices? <br />Section § 111.046 of the City of St. Anthony Village City Code defines "TOBACCO OR TOBACCO <br />PRODUCTS" as "any substance or item containing tobacco leaf, including but not limited to cigarettes, <br />cigars, pipe tobacco; hookah tobacco; snuff, fine cut or other chewing granulated, plug cut, crimp cut; <br />snus; bidis, or any other preparation of tobacco; cheroots; stogies; perique; formulation of matter <br />containing biologically active amounts of nicotine that is manufactured, sold, offered for sale, or <br />otherwise distributed with the expectation that the product or matter will be introduced into the human <br />body, but does not include any cessation product approved by the United States Food and Drug <br />Administration for use as a medical treatment to reduce and eliminate nicotine or tobacco dependence ". <br />"TOBACCO RELATED DEVICES" is defined as "any tobacco product as well as a pipe, rolling papers, <br />or device intentionally designed or intended to be used in a manner which enables the chewing, sniffing, <br />or smoking of tobacco or tobacco products. <br />Furthermore, § 111.057 of the City Code related to "SMOKING PROHIBITED" STATES THAT "It shall <br />be unlawful for the lighting, inhaling, exhaling or combination thereof of tobacco, tobacco products, or <br />tobacco related devices by any person in any retail establishment and for any person that owns, leases, <br />manages, operates or otherwise controls the retail establishment to allow such to occur". <br />The existing code does not currently define "SMOKING ". <br />Page 1 <br />