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One example of a rechargeable e- cigarette model <br />"blu" is a brand of electroniccigarettes manufactured <br />by Lorillard, the company that makes Newport ciga- <br />rettes. It is purposefully designed to look difference <br />than a cigarette for use by consumers in places with <br />smoke -free policies. <br />This disposable electronic cigarette produced by N10Y <br />costs about $7. NJOY is the number one selling brand <br />of electronic cigarettes. <br />WHAT IS AN ELECTRONIC CIGARETTE? <br />Electronic cigarettes, also called e- cigarettes, are battery operated <br />nicotine vaporizers that are produced primarily in China.' E- cigarettes <br />often look like a traditional cigarette but do not produce smoke. The <br />use of e- cigarettes is referred to as "vaping" rather than "smoking." <br />E- cigarette users purchase cartridges filled with liquid nicotine and other <br />substances, attach the cartridge onto the e- cigarette battery, and breathe <br />in nicotine vapor produced by a small heating element. <br />The cartridges are sold in many flavors such as cherry, bubblegum, <br />vanilla, and fruit punch, making them appealing to youth.2 Disposable <br />e- cigarettes sell for about $5 and rechargeable e- cigarettes cost up to <br />$120. E- cigarettes are often advertised as a safer alternative to tobacco <br />cigarettes; however, the potential health risks associated with these <br />products is not known. <br />Liquid nicotine found in e- cigarettes is derived from tobacco; however, <br />most of the devices do not contain any tobacco. Similar to tobacco <br />cigarettes, heavy metals, carcinogens, silicate, and nanoparticles (which <br />can go deep into the lungs) have been found in e- cigarette vapor.3 <br />ARE ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES REGULATED? <br />The production and manufacturing of e- cigarettes is poorly regulated.45 <br />The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has noted that "quality <br />control processes used to manufacture these products are inconsistent <br />or nonexistent." For example, three different e- cigarette cartridges with <br />the same label were tested and each cartridge released a substantially <br />different amount of nicotine with each puff 6 <br />WHATARETHE HEALTH EFFECTS OF ELECTRONIC <br />CIGARETTE USE? <br />Because these products are so new, little is known about their long term <br />health effects. There is a significant amount of research showing the <br />harmful effects of nicotine: a highly addictive stimulant that increases <br />blood pressure and heart rate.3 E- cigarettes are designed to deliver high <br />amounts of nicotine to the user. Often, e- cigarettes deliver more than <br />two times the amount of nicotine approved by the FDA for smoking <br />cessation aids.' Many of the ingredients found in e- cigarettes are known <br />to be dangerous to human health. These ingredients can cause: lung and <br />cardiac inflammation, cancer, and cell damage. <br />
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